Geoff Earle

The Archive

Trump's cringeworthy gaffe during Communion at Iowa church

The seemingly endless presidential campaign finally gets real Monday, with Iowa voters heading to the polls for the state’s caucuses. The candidates blitzed the Hawkeye State in a final push...

Bill de Blasio goes door-to-door asking Iowans to support Hillary

DES MOINES — Mayor de Blasio’s foray into national politics took another strange turn Saturday when he returned to his campaign roots to knock on doors for Hillary Clinton —...

De Blasio, 15 City Hall staffers take vacation time to help Hillary

Mayor de Blasio touched down in Iowa Friday -- bringing with him his own team of seasoned political operatives from City Hall ready hit the ground to drive up support...

Trump spends $3.4M on Iowa ads, campaigns in New Hampshire

DES MOINES — While the other GOP presidential candidates barnstormed Iowa in an all-out push for votes, Donald Trump was letting his checkbook do the talking while he campaigned in...

Trump follows through with debate boycott, still slams rivals

DES MOINES, Iowa — After days of intense political drama, Donald Trump carried through on his threat to skip Thursday night’s GOP debate on the Fox News Channel, and instead...

Trump dominates Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina in new polls

DES MOINES, Iowa — Donald Trump holds a dominant position in the three states that get first crack at picking a Republican presidential nominee, according to polls released Thursday. An...

Trump: Who needs Megyn Kelly, I'm hosting my own event

Donald Trump announced Wednesday that he’s staging an event in Iowa that will go up ­directly against the GOP presidential debate on Fox News, setting the stage for an unprecedented...

Trump will skip Fox debate moderated by Megyn Kelly

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Tuesday that "most likely I won't be doing the debate" on Fox News in Des Moines, Iowa, scheduled for Thursday night.

Sensitive spy information found on Hillary's server: report

WASHINGTON — Sensitive information on spies reportedly has been found on at least one email on Hillary Clinton’s private server — as Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned it’s likely that...

GOP dumps National Review as debate sponsor after Trump diss

WASHINGTON — The rift in the GOP exposed by the Donald Trump brawl with Ted Cruz grew deeper Friday as the Republican Party dumped National Review as a debate co-sponsor...

Barbara Bush endorses Jeb Bush in new ad WASHINGTON — Bush family matriarch Barbara Bush has cut a campaign ad for her son Jeb — and the 90-year-old former first lady used the opportunity to get in...

Ted Cruz staffer mocks Trump's three marriages

WASHINGTON — Nothing is off limits in the increasingly nasty fight between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump — even the real estate baron’s three marriages. Cruz campaign spokesman Rick Tyler...

Trump and Sanders hold big leads in Iowa polls

WASHINGTON – Donald Trump is thumping Ted Cruz by double digits in a new Iowa poll, while Bernie Sanders has grabbed a significant lead from Hillary Clinton among Democrats likely...

Sarah Palin links son's arrest to PTSD, Obama policies

WASHINGTON — Sarah Palin on Wednesday blamed her son’s domestic-violence arrest on post-traumatic stress as she joined Donald Trump for her second day on the presidential campaign trail with the GOP...

Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump for president

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump rolled out a splashy endorsement from fiery populist Sarah Palin on Tuesday, and she immediately proclaimed that the real estate mogul is leading the GOP presidential...

Reverend's son compares Trump to MLK Jr. and Jesus

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump told students at conservative Liberty University in Virginia Monday that Christianity is “under siege” and that he would act to protect it as president. “I’m a...

Goldman Sachs takes a beating from Dems, GOPers at debates

WASHINGTON — Goldman Sachs, the New York investment firm that’s a favorite whipping boy of Wall Street critics, has become a flashpoint in both the Democratic and Republican presidential races....

GOP dropout Graham throws support behind Jeb Bush

WASHINGTON — South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham became the first GOP presidential dropout to endorse a former rival Friday — and he chose Jeb Bush over Senate colleagues Marco Rubio,...

Ted Cruz apologizes to New Yorkers who have to live with de Blasio and Cuomo

The battle between Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump over “New York values” turned into all-out war Friday when leading New York Democrats and Republicans blasted Cruz and the...

Trump, Cruz don't hold back at contentious GOP debate

Donald Trump delivered a one-two punch to Ted Cruz at Thursday night’s GOP debate — clutching the birther card in one fist while slugging the Texas senator for his anti-New...