Emily Jacobs

The Archive

McCarthy might yank Cheney from influential committee if she joins Capitol riot panel

Nancy Pelosi's commission picks have been called partisan by Republican lawmakers after she rejected Jim Jordan and Jim Banks. Kevin McCarthy didn't rule out taking Liz Cheney off a coveted...

'Such a disgrace': Trump blasts Cleveland Indians name change

The team first began distancing itself from its traditional imagery in 2018.

Senate defense budget bill would require women to register for draft

The National Defense Authorization Act "amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service," a summary of the bill reads.

Senate panel backs $25 billion Pentagon boost, setting up budget battle

The increase was approved as part of the $778 billion National Defense Authorization Act.

Schumer plans to bring up $1.2T infrastructure deal for vote next week: Dems

Top Democrats say they expect Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to bring up the bipartisan infrastructure proposal for another vote -- if the group can finalize a deal soon.

Pelosi cites Jordan, Banks comments on Jan. 6 for ouster despite her own panel picks' views

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she rejected two Republican allies of former President Donald Trump to sit on the Jan. 6 select committee because they were, in her opinion, too...

DOJ won't pursue death penalty in seven Trump-era cases in shift under Garland

The Justice Department has moved to withdraw death penalty requests made during the Trump administration in seven cases, according to a report.

China rejects WHO's call for transparency in COVID origin probe

China is rejecting the WHO's calls for transparency and cooperation as the agency plans to continue its probe into the origins of the COVID pandemic.

Biden: Eliminating filibuster would 'throw entire Congress into chaos'

Biden supports returning to the days when senators would have to be present in the Senate chamber to filibuster, but nothing beyond that.

Harris struggles to name GOP senators she's spoken to on voting rights

Vice President Kamala Harris struggled to name which Republican senators she had spoken to on the issue of voting rights legislation in a CBS News interview this week.

McConnell 'can’t imagine' any GOP senator would vote to raise debt ceiling

Mitch McConnell laid down a major marker for Republicans negotiating legislative and budget-related deals with President Biden and the Democrats.

Texas Dem touts herself as 'brave,' launches House bid from DC hotel room

A Texas Democrat who fled the state to stymie a GOP-backed election reform bill is touting herself as "brave" for doing so -- as she launched a bid for Congress...

Tulsi Gabbard torches Bezos rocket launch: 'Stay up there'

Former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard ripped Jeff Bezos ahead of his successful trip to space, telling him to "do the world a favor" and "stay up there."

Harris meets Jordan's king, crown prince for working breakfast

Kamala Harris welcomed King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein and Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah of Jordan to her residence for a working breakfast.

Manchin supports Biden's Bureau of Land Management pick accused of eco-terrorism

Sen. Joe Manchin will support the nomination of Tracy Stone-Manning, President Biden's pick to lead the Bureau of Land Management, despite her alleged involvement in an eco-terrorist plot.

Pentagon transfers first detainee of Biden admin out of Guantanamo

The Pentagon has transferred an individual held at Guantanamo Bay to his native country of Morocco in what is believed to be the first detainee transfer of the Biden administration.

2 more Dems who fled Texas to block GOP voting bill test positive for COVID

Two more from the Texas House Democratic Caucus that traveled to Washington to prevent a Republican voting bill has tested positive for COVID. Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer said he is...

'This is not correct': Florida Democrat rips AOC over Cuba statement

Former Democrat Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is slamming Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over her stance on the US' Cuba embargo amid ongoing protests.

Hunter Biden prosecutor paused probe before 2020 election: report

US Attorney David Weiss decided not to seek search warrants or issue subpoenas so as not to "alert the public to the existence of the case..."

Biden, Xi, Putin address APEC on 'ending the COVID-19 pandemic'

President Biden spoke alongside Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders at a special meeting on helping recover from the COVID-19 pandemic -- amid rising...