Deroy Murdock

The Archive

Why Christians are losing the war over gay-wedding cakes

In today’s Wedding Cake War, conservatives are floundering on the battlefield of religious liberty. While this remains a central and legitimate combat zone, the Right should fight on at least...

The ugly truth about Obama's 'pretty darn great' economy

‘Anybody who says we are not absolutely better off today than we were just seven years ago, they’re not leveling with you. They’re not telling the truth,” Obama said last...

Why Marco Rubio is Democrats' worst nightmare

Sen. Marco Rubio’s surprisingly strong bronze-medal finish in Monday’s Iowa caucuses — just one point behind silver medalist Donald Trump — cheered his fans and chilled Democrats. The Florida Republican...

Bill Clinton's damning indictment of Obamanomics

Bill Clinton flew to New Hampshire and unsealed an indictment against Obama’s economy. Campaigning in Exeter, Hillary’s “secret weapon” told Granite State voters Monday, “I think this election is about...

Black Lives Matter's numbers are bogus

If the Black Lives Matter crowd is correct, bloodthirsty, racist cops are blasting black men like clay pigeons at a shooting range. The pace of this alleged slaughter is breathtaking....

Secret Service agents: Hillary is a nightmare to work with

"Good morning, ma’am," a member of the uniformed Secret Service once greeted Hillary Clinton. “F--- off,” she replied. That exchange is one among many that active and retired Secret Service...

How workers are winning in Scott Walker's Wisconsin

Hillary Rodham Clinton shed her usual sunny demeanor on Monday and snarled at Republicans in general and one presidential candidate in particular. “Republican governors like Scott Walker have made their...

Clinton's shady pals: Not quite 'everyday' Americans

Hillary Clinton will re-launch her floundering campaign today on Roosevelt Island, formerly and fittingly known as Welfare Island. Clinton’s desperate effort to associate herself with “everyday Americans” contrasts starkly with...

Lawless rioters feed bigotry against all blacks

Dear Black Thugs: To each of you I echo what actor Terrence Howard’s character told his gangbanger brother in the film “Crash”: “You embarrass me. You embarrass yourself.” From Ferguson...

An epic evil returns: ISIS resurrects crucifixion

From Easter services to cablecasts of Bill O’Reilly’s bestseller “Killing Jesus,” Christians are focused on the crucifixion of their Savior. American believers and non-believers consider this an historical event. But...

'Net neutrality' will cost you

In his relentless drive to leave no aspect of American life unmolested, President Obama’s next stop is cyberspace. Having “reformed” US medicine, he now aims to “repair” the World Wide...

Anti-Rob race rant: Slurring Astorino as Bull Connor

When it comes to race cards, Letitia James just pulled one from the bottom of the deck. “We have a far-right Republican, someone who reminds me of Bull Connor in...

America's greenest energy source

Fracking outgreens ‘green’ energy: That was my chief observation when I returned to Anadarko Petroleum’s Landon Pad A, a natural-gas site in Lycoming County, Pa. October’s quietude was totally unlike...

Arabs’ home in Israel

"I am Israeli,” says Issawi Frej, an Arab member of the Knesset. “I am a citizen here. I want to be here.” The Meretz Party representative also tells me: “The...

ObamaCare overreach

Don’t raise the bridge. Lower the river, divert the water, steamroll the riverbed and install a bullet train as an “affordable” bridge substitute. Such grandiose thinking is derailing ObamaCare at...

ObamaCare will become 'voyage of the damned'

One year from today — and perhaps much sooner — Sens. Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and other Republican “extremists” will look like heroes. For trying recently...

A bold attack to topple de Blasio

With Anthony Weiner back in his cage and Washington engulfed by the federal shutdown, Americans have forgotten New York’s mayoral race. What started as a sex farce starring Weiner as...

ObamaCare sickening the workplace

Democrats landed on earth to nurture working Americans. How ironic, then, that “ObamaCare” is hammering US laborers. From terminated coverage to truncated schedules, the Democrats’ reputed constituency is paying dearly...

Egypt on the brink

Cairo Muhammad has had it with the Muslim Brotherhood. From the moment we meet, it takes the 30-something Egyptian three minutes, tops, before he expresses his crashing disappointment with his...

The follies of the frackophobes

If frackophobes are to be believed, natural-gas fracking is the most frightful environmental nightmare since Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant melted down after an earthquake and tsunami. In “Promised Land,”...