Deroy Murdock

The Archive

'Build Back Better' — or 'Build BIGOTRY Better'?

President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better Act should be rechristened the Build Bigotry Better Act and then buried in a shallow grave on Capitol Hill.

Stop making excuses for Joe Biden — he's the one to blame for his far-left agenda

While my free-market friends count themselves among the president’s most fervent detractors, they nearly all make excuses for Biden. I constantly hear reasons why he is the last person who deserves any...

Biden’s math behind his $3.5T spending plan is fit for a second grader

One can imagine a second-grader named Joey Biden showing off his new train set and telling his playmates, “My daddy bought it for me at Woolworth’s. So, it didn’t cost...

How to stop Bernie Sanders' $3.5 trillion socialist blueprint for America

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans a vote soon to push Sen. Bernie Sanders’ $3.5 trillion socialist dream budget one step closer to law.

Democrats' sick prescriptions for killing off life-saving new medicines

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that HR 3 (a.k.a. the Lower Drug Costs Now Act) would help “pay for” this fiscal incontinence by squeezing $581.6 billion from the pharmaceutical industry over the next 10...

6,163,001 reasons for California voters to recall Gavin Newsom on Tuesday

There are 6,163,001 reasons for California voters to recall Gavin Newsom on Tuesday. That’s the number of K-12 students who largely are ill-served by the Golden State’s Democratic governor. California once boasted...

The 'Mr. Nice Guy Joe' everyone expected is suddenly 'Mean Mr. Biden'

President Biden got elected largely because millions of voters found him caring and empathetic, but his true colors now shine with searing clarity. He has exposed himself as calculating, callous...

Joe Biden just ruined America's 'special relationship' with Great Britain

Despite such loud promises that he would make America’s alliances great again, Biden’s initially foolish, now fatal, Afghan catastrophe has atomized US international ties.

Team Biden's new Centers for Disease and Rent Control

The slogan above The Washington Post’s banner captures the Left’s view of the allegedly authoritarian Donald J. Trump’s presidency: “Democracy dies in darkness.” It’s now time for a new credo, given...

Joe's welcome mat spurred a superspreader extravaganza

President Joe Biden is the root cause of today’s COVID-19 superspreader extravaganza on the southern frontier. His come-and-get-it, no-borders policy offers a Laurel and Hardy welcome to COVID-infected illegal aliens....

Democrats' purely partisan path to impeachment can only tear America in two

The House of Representatives voted 232-196 to make its impeachment proceedings against President Trump legitimate and open, rather than unauthorized and closed. Regardless, Roll Call No. 604 was pure, raw,...

What, exactly, is President Trump's 'high crime' here?

The Constitution is quite clear: The president “shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Democrats are speeding toward...

The one question Republicans need to ask voters to keep Congress

“Are you better off now than you were two years ago?” Republicans should ask voters this key question during the 2018 midterms. It would shift the debate from the childish...

The vote fraud that Democrats refuse to see

265 + 742 + 765 + 953 + 7,474 = 0. This fuzzy math sums up Democrats’ orthodoxy on vote fraud: As the bulletproof evidence of fraud adds up, they...

Why many French gays adore Marine Le Pen

As France picks its next president on Sunday, National Front nominee Marine Le Pen, 48, enjoys significant support among an unlikely population: gay voters. According to a survey released Wednesday...

Obama's legacy is a devastated Democratic Party

As President Obama concludes his reign of error, his party is smaller, weaker and ricketier than it has been since at least the 1940s. Behold the tremendous power that Democrats...

Sorry, Hillary Clinton's the one who's unfit for the White House

"Hillary Clinton has the temperament to be president.” That statement is as absurd as confusing a wheelbarrow for a fighter jet. After 40 years in public life, Clinton speaks clearly...

Trump's truth-telling on race could turn the campaign around

At last! A Republican presidential nominee finally has slammed Democrats for abusing black Americans — for decades. “I am asking for the vote of every African-American citizen struggling in our...

Team Hillary's email defense is just laughable

In a communique to donors, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta tried to exculpate his candidate’s lawbreaking in the E-mailgate scandal. Alas for Hillary, Podesta’s attempt has more holes than a...

Why 'Never Hillary' trumps 'Never Trump'

I’m sorry, I tried. In print, on air, online and in person, I urged GOP primary voters to send to the White House — chronologically — Scott Walker, Carly Fiorina,...