Deroy Murdock

The Archive

Republicans should care a lot if Herschel Walker wins or loses in GA Senate race

After Nov. 8’s “Red Wave” fizzled, too many Republicans are ho-hum about next Tuesday’s Georgia Senate runoff.

Democrats' pathetic responses to crime horrors show they're completely out of gas on public safety

Democrats are out of gas on crime and have no solutions to today’s surge.

The chilling numbers that reveal the scale of Joe Biden's border disaster

Democrats are napping peacefully through the US-Mexico “border” crisis they engineered.

The Dems' big new $739B climate bill will do almost nothing for the climate

Billy Joel’s immortal lyrics spring to mind: “Is that all you get for your money?” 

LGBTQIA+ — this gay man didn’t order this bowl of alphabet soup

Once upon a time, Gay Pride Month was simple. One letter — G — focused, mainly, on men who love men.

Juneteenth is a perfect day to cheer black success in America

This second Juneteenth national holiday is a time to celebrate what black Americans have accomplished since the original Juneteenth liberated the last of some 4 million emancipated slaves.

Biden’s petro-sadism makes US drivers scream in pain

As Americans start the summer driving season this Memorial Day weekend, they face gasoline prices that are memorable — for all the wrong reasons.

Send the Democratic Party into history — it's got nothing left to offer America

The Democratic Party of JFK, LBJ and even Bill “Welfare Reform” Clinton is long gone. The Democratic Party of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom has nothing positive to...

'Don't say gay'? Hypocritical Disney makes money in countries that ban homosexuality

Disney lied about Florida’s recently enacted Parental Rights in Education law. Disney called HB 1557 “the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill,” even though the measure does not say “gay.”

Democrats who claim white supremacy is top problem ignore black racist killers

As Team Biden searches furiously for those touched by this supposedly ubiquitous white threat, black racists scream hatred and inflict dozens of casualties, some fatal.

Biden blames Putin for high gas prices — but this timeline proves it's the prez's own fault

Gas prices started rising long before Russia invaded Ukraine.

Meet the PAC that's taking school boards across America from the PC left

Conservative journalist and author Ryan Girdusky founded the 1776 Project Political Action Committee last May.

I'm suing to block New York City's racist foreign-citizen-voting bill

The Foreign Citizen Voting Bill would empower foreign citizens to choose our mayor, City Council, borough presidents and district attorneys and decide local ballot measures.

The border stampede isn't a Biden a 'failure' — it's exactly what he and Dems want

President Joe Biden’s no-border policy has detonated an explosion of illegal-immigrant apprehensions.

The costs of Biden's war on oil include higher gas prices

Joe Biden is the kind of man who deliberately would steer his car into a ditch, crawl from the wreckage and then probe the ditch for criminal conduct. 

Guess which party ranks as more extreme (Hint: It's not the GOP)

With many Democrats across the country insisting they are normal, it's clear that the party is transforming into extreme leftists compared to moderate Republicans, Deroy Murdock writes.

Voters to Dems: Drop dead!

From the White House to school boards across America, voters on Tuesday screamed at Democrats: “No!” to reckless spending, meddlesome bureaucrats, bear hugs for criminals.

Democrats have screwed up everything — stop voting for them!

From the West Wing to the West Coast, the Democratic Party has devolved into a clear and present danger to this republic. It is virtually impossible to identify a realm...

The race for governor in Virginia shows just how far out-of-touch Democrats are

As the Nov. 2 ballot’s highest-profile contest, the battle for Virginia’s governorship has become a referendum on the Big Government approach of the out-of-touch, Democrat Left.