Daphne Retter

The Archive

Mike wants OK to ax teachers & schools

Talk about trimming the turkey. Mayor Bloomberg announced a host of aggressive education-policy initiatives yesterday that seek to boot ineffective teachers from the system and close more failing schools than...

Prez will make his Point on Afghanistan strategy

WASHINGTON -- President Obama will reveal his plan for the war in Afghanistan -- including an exit strategy -- at West Point next week, aides said yesterday Obama is likely...

Ex-Tenn. Dem eyes bid vs. Gilly

WASHINGTON -- A former Tennessee congressman has reportedly told people he's toying with making a Democratic primary challenge against appointed Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who polls show is struggling to connect...

Signs of jihadists next door

WASHINGTON -- The latest warning signs of a potential homegrown Muslim jihadist? Loves to kill -- and loves playing paintball and rafting. That was the warning from a top-ranking NYPD...

9/11 kin put heat on Holder

WASHINGTON -- Attorney General Eric Holder faced tough questions during a Senate hearing yesterday, but the toughest of all came after the lawmakers filed out of the room. Alice Hoagland,...

Obama vows 9/11 fiend will get death - then backs off

WASHINGTON -- For a moment, he became judge, jury and executioner. President Obama yesterday blurted out a predicted conviction and death sentence for 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed -- then...

Holder: NYC trial for 9/11 suspects right decision

WASHINGTON — A defiant Attorney General Eric Holder told senators today that it was a "tough call" — but the right decision — to put 9/11 suspects on trial in...

Arizona Rep brings up Bloomberg's kids in bizarre 9/11 rant

A loudmouth congressman unleashed some twisted logic on Mayor Bloomberg over his support for holding the 9/11 trial in Manhattan, sniping that Hizzoner will regret his decision when it's his...

Hill up for coffee talk with Palin

A coffee summit may be brewing. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said yesterday that she would like to chat with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin over a cup of...

Giuliani furious about 9/11 trial decision

Stop coddling the 9/11 killers -- the war on terror is far from over, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani fumed yesterday. The decision by the Obama administration to put the self-proclaimed...

ObamaCare legislation in trouble

Not so fast. President Obama's victory dance yesterday for the House-passed health-care bill came as Senate foes -- mainly Republicans with one key Democrat moderate -- pronounced the measure mortally...

Charlie could catch a break

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Charles Rangel is likely to be cleared on one of a half-dozen ethics charges, it was reported yesterday. Rangel and four other members of the Congressional Black...

Senate Dem concedes liberal dose sickens voters

WASHINGTON -- Some moderate Democrats said yesterday they hope Tuesday's defeats in New Jersey and Virginia will show party leaders that their health-care legislation and other liberal priorities could ultimately...

Dropout GOP pol: Vote Dem

WASHINGTON -- Just a day after abruptly withdrawing from an upstate congressional election, Republican state Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava yesterday threw her support behind the Democrat in the race and asked...

Tax-woe GOPer dares Rangel

WASHINGTON -- A Republican congressman yesterday called on embattled Rep. Charles Rangel to release his tax returns to prove that he had not shorted Uncle Sam at the same time...

Reeling Rangel hitches ride on his lobby hor$e

WASHINGTON -- Embattled Rep. Charles Rangel's flagging fund-raising efforts are being kept afloat by lobbyists who round up and deliver donors for the powerful committee chairman, new campaign-finance filings reveal....

O's Afghan 'ploy'

WASHINGTON -- A senior Republican senator said yesterday that President Obama's critics are increasingly suspicious that he is playing politics with troop levels in Afghanistan. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said...

Rangel's million-dollar defense

Nearly half of embattled Rep. Charles Rangel's campaign spending in the last quarter went to lawyers as the veteran Democrat fought to retain his chairmanship, according to new filings. Rangel...

Ex-ally to challenge Charlie

WASHINGTON -- Embattled Rep. Charles Rangel has a challenger on his hands. A fellow Harlem Democrat -- and former Rangel employee -- has launched a campaign to take the seat...

Dem rival angling for Rangel's seat

WASHINGTON - Embattled Rep. Charles Rangel has a challenger on his hands. A fellow Harlem Democrat - and former Rangel employee - has launched a campaign to take the seat...