Daniel Halper

The Archive

Trump picks Boeing exec to be deputy secretary of defense

President Trump has named a Boeing executive to be a top Pentagon official, the White House announced Thursday. Boeing Company senior vice president Patrick M. Shanahan has been named the...

Trump wants to privatize the nation's air traffic controllers

President Trump plans to privatize the nation’s air traffic control system, a move that would eliminate $175 in annual spending by the federal government. The president's budget blueprint released Thursday...

Trump seems to confirm the CIA docs released by WikiLeaks

President Trump appeared to confirm the authenticity of a trove of CIA documents recently published by WikiLeaks -- breaking from US government policy never to confirm the docs were legitimate....

Poll says Oprah would beat Trump in hypothetical election

Oprah Winfrey is beating President Trump in a hypothetical 2020 election, a new poll finds. Winfrey receives the support from 47 percent of registered voters, while Trump receives only 40...

Trump's budget will have major cuts to EPA, State Department

President Trump intends to roll out his budget blueprint Thursday -- and it will include a 31 percent reduction to the Environmental Protection Agency and a 28 percent cut to...

Trump touts 'new industrial revolution' in speech to auto workers

President Trump touted "a new industrial revolution" and “cancelled” one of his predecessor’s last moves — stricter environmental standards for motor vehicles — in a speech Wednesday in Michigan. “I’m...

Trump calls tax return release 'fake news'

President Trump called the partial release of his 2005 tax return "fake news" — and used his own Twitter account Wednesday morning to throw shade on the reporter who broke...

Bannon: 'I don’t know if we would have made it' without Kellyanne

Donald Trump owes his presidency to then-campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, claims White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon. Bannon believes Conway’s “relentless advocacy” for Trump after the infamous “Access Hollywood” scandal...

Spicer: Conway was joking about spying microwaves

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway was joking when she spoke about microwaves that could be used for surveillance. That’s according to press secretary Sean Spicer, who said Conway's comment about...

Nikki Haley spends snow day watching 'The Americans'

A top Trump official can’t wait to watch a show about Russian spies running rampant in Washington. UN ambassador Nikki Haley tweeted a photo of the snow blanketing the area...

White House analysis shows 26M will lose coverage under ObamaCare repeal

The White House believes 26 million Americans will lose health care coverage if its ObamaCare repeal and replace plan goes into effect, an internal analysis of the legislation reveals. The...

Trump meets with DC officials to prep for massive nor'easter

President Trump got knee-deep in Washington, DC, snow prep. The commander-in-chief met Monday with the mayor of Washington, as well as the general manager of the Metro transit system, in...

GOP's Obamacare replacement will leave 14M people uninsured

More than 14 million people could lose their health insurance next year under the GOP’s plan to repeal and replace ObamaCare, a report said Monday, but the Trump administration called...

Trump: Obamacare is 'imploding' and the media is ignoring it

President Trump said Monday it will take a year or two for prices to go down under the GOP’s plan to repeal and replace Obamacare — and then blamed the...

Trump unfollows MSNBC hosts on Twitter

President Trump is no longer a follower of MSNBC co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski. The commander-in-tweet unfollowed the duo on Twitter, sometime after they turned nasty toward Trump on...

Trump to meet with Chinese president at Mar-a-Lago

President Trump will host Chinese President Xi Jinping in Mar-a-Lago for a two-day visit next month, according to a report. Trump and Xi will meet at the president’s Palm Beach,...

Obama admin spent $77M to hype ObamaCare in 2016

The Obama administration doled out more than $77 million to promote the former president’s signature health care legislation in what could be its final full year of existence, contracts obtained...

Arnold Schwarzenegger says he won't run for Senate

Arnold Schwarzenegger has decided not to run for US Senate, the former Republican governor and reality TV star announced. “I'm deeply flattered by all of the people who have approached...

Bharara refused to return phone call from Trump citing DOJ rules

Prosecutor Preet Bharara was fired by the attorney general a day after he refused to return a phone call from President Trump, a report alleges. An assistant to the president...

Scarlett Johansson as Ivanka, Baldwin back to roast Trump on 'SNL'

President Trump was the butt of jokes yet again on NBC’s “Saturday Night Live,” where he was portrayed by Alec Baldwin trying to rally troops to destroy aliens in an...