Daniel Halper

The Archive

Trump wants to break dubious record set by Nixon

President Trump feels confident he can beat former President Richard Nixon — and get on the cover of Time magazine more times than the chief executive who resigned in disgrace....

Treasury probes offshore finances of former Trump campaign manager

The US Treasury Department is probing offshore financial activity by President Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort, according to a new report. The feds are looking into Manafort’s financial transactions...

North Korea blasts Trump for being too much like Obama

North Korea slammed President Trump for being just like President Obama, days after Secretary of State Rex Tillerson returned from his visit to the region. "Tillerson admitted the failure of...

Secret Service wants another $60M to protect Trump

The Secret Service has requested an additional $60 million to protect President Trump and his family, it was reported Wednesday. The agency said it needs $26.8 million to cover the...

Nunes: Trump transition team was under surveillance

President Trump said Wednesday he feels “somewhat” vindicated after the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee reported that information about the Trump campaign was “incidentally collected” during the Obama administration....

Trump to give commencement speech at Liberty University

President Trump will deliver the commencement speech in May at Liberty University, a prominent evangelical Christian school in Virginia. “I look forward to speaking to this amazing group of students...

Tillerson took secretary of state job because his wife told him to

Rex Tillerson was “stunned” when he was offered the secretary of state job by President Trump — but was “convinced” to accept the job by his wife, he said in...

Trump's former campaign chair secretly worked for Russian billionaire

President Trump’s former campaign manager signed a secret $10 million deal with a Russian billionaire that benefited Vladimir ­Putin, a bombshell new report ­revealed Wednesday. Paul Manafort’s previously undisclosed work with...

Breitbart and InfoWars are drawn into FBI's Russian bot probe

The feds are not only investigating Russian meddling in the US election and possible links to President Trump — they are looking into some right-wing and conspiratorial websites that boosted...

Bob Menendez to face trial on bribery and corruption charges

New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez will face trial later this year on bribery and corruption charges after the Supreme Court refused Monday to toss his case. The top court rejected...

Trump trolls Comey during House panel testimony

President Trump trolled FBI Director James Comey on Twitter during his appearance Monday at a House hearing investigating Russia's role in the 2016 presidential election and whether Trump campaign officials...

Trump accuses Clinton campaign of Russia ties

President Trump on Monday questioned the Clinton campaign's alleged Russia ties less than an hour before the House Intelligence Committee held its first public hearing on the Kremlin's involvement in...

Trump denies he colluded with Russia during the election

President Trump denied Monday that he colluded with Russia during the presidential election -- calling the allegations "made up" by Democrats and "FAKE NEWS." "James Clapper and others stated that...

Spicer denies apology to British government for wiretap claim

White House spokesman Sean Spicer on Friday flatly denied that the US apologized to the British government after he repeated an uncorroborated report that its intelligence agency had wiretapped President...

Bharara was investigating Trump cabinet member before he was sacked

Fired US Attorney Preet Bharara was investigating a key member of President Trump’s cabinet, a new report Friday revealed. Bharara was looking into allegations that Tom Price, the health and...

Trump jokes with Merkel about being wiretapped by Obama

They have their differences, but President Trump said Friday he and German Chancellor Angela Merkel share at least one thing in common. “As far as wiretapping, I guess, by this...

Trump doesn't shake hands with Merkel during photo op

President Trump did not extend his hand to shake German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s in a Friday Oval Office photo op, a courtesy he usually extends to foreign leaders visiting the...

Spicer's incredible Trump wiretap claims force an apology from America

The US government has formally apologized to Britain after White House press secretary Sean Spicer accused UK intel agency GCHQ of wiretapping Donald Trump on behalf of President Obama. The...

Tillerson drops a nukes bombshell on North Korea

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson left open the possibility of a pre-emptive military strike against North Korea, saying Friday that all options are being considered to contain the rogue state....

Michael Flynn was paid by Russians before joining Trump team

President Trump’s former national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, was paid by the Russians before assuming his post, according to a new report. Flynn received tens of thousands of...