Brendan Scott

The Archive

New York legalizes same-sex marriage as cheers ring out in city

ALBANY -- Senators said "I do" to gay marriage last night in a narrow 33-29 vote -- making New York the sixth and largest state to allow same-sex couples to...

Historic gay-marriage vote in Albany, cheers throughout New York

ALBANY -- Senators said "I do" to gay marriage last night in a narrow 33-29 vote -- making New York the sixth and largest state to allow same-sex couples to...

GOP nixes vote on same-sex marriage

ALBANY -- Senate Republicans stunned the Capitol last night by abruptly adjourning without holding a much-anticipated vote on gay marriage -- a move that also allowed rent regulations to expire....

GOP senators to mull gay marriage vote

ALBANY – Republican senators will meet today to mull action on gay marriage, Senate GOP boss Dean Skelos said this morning, meaning a long-awaited vote could be around the corner....

Gay-nups vote stalled

ALBANY -- The fate of gay marriage hung in the balance yesterday as the legislative session careered through its final chaotic days and lawmakers continued to debate key details of...

Senate shakes as gay marriage vote looms

ALBANY – Tense dueling protests shook the Senate’s marble halls this morning as the chamber’s Republican majority huddled privately over a jam-packed agenda that included a possible vote on gay...

Rent-control deal leaves one fight -- gay marriage

ALBANY -- State leaders cleared a logjam of controversial bills yesterday -- from rent regulation to property-tax caps -- and set the stage for a face-off over gay marriage in...

Rent regulation deal expected today

ALBANY – A deal to expand rent regulations appeared imminent this afternoon as legislative leaders emerged from Gov. Cuomo’s office to announce a "tentative framework agreement" on several issues. The...

Pols use apt. law to hold up gay rites

ALBANY -- Hell, no! We won't vote! Protesters for and against gay marriage mobbed the Senate chamber yesterday as talks on whether to vote on same-sex weddings ground down over...

OK for gay marriage is 'rite' around the corner

ALBANY -- Gov. Cuomo and Senate Republican boss Dean Skelos could say, "I do" as soon as today on a historic gay-marriage bill that includes strengthened exemptions for religious groups....

Gay-marriage push gives devout an out

ALBANY -- Senators left town without voting on gay marriage yesterday, but Republican efforts to strengthen the bill's religious protections -- rather than kill it outright -- buoyed supporters' hopes...

Gov rips rent-law delay

ALBANY -- Gov. Cuomo scolded state senators yesterday for "betraying" Big Apple tenants by letting rent regulations expire and he threatened to keep lawmakers in Albany through the weekend to...

Mike hold$ hammer over GOP on gay nups

ALBANY -- Ka-ching. Ka-ching. Mayor Bloomberg brought his massive political checkbook to bear on Albany's gay-marriage stalemate yesterday as Senate Republicans continued to agonize over whether to allow a decisive...

Cuomo says Senate 'betrayed' tenants in rent regs lapse

ALBANY – Gov. Andrew Cuomo scolded senators today for “betraying” Big Apple tenants by letting rent regulations expire and threatened to keep lawmakers in Albany through the weekend to reach...

Bloomberg lobbies Albany for final gay marriage vote

ALBANY – Mayor Michael Bloomberg swung through Albany to lobby for a crucial tie-break vote on same-sex marriage today as Senate Republicans continued to agonize over whether to bring the...

'Daily Show' targets SI senator during segment on gay marriage vote

ALBANY – Staten Island Republican – potential same-sex marriage tiebreaker – Andrew Lanza found himself in Jon Stewart's crosshairs last night, as the influential comedic host of “The Daily Show”...

Rent deal rejected

ALBANY -- Rent regulations technically expired a minute after midnight for more than 2 million New York City residents after Senate Democrats nixed a temporary extension that was negotiated by...

Dems' gay-nups OK boosts heat on GOP

ALBANY -- Divided Senate Republicans came under new pressure to vote on gay marriage yesterday after Democrats unexpectedly pushed the measure through the state Assembly, bringing it one step closer...

Dolan: Heaven help us if gays can wed

ALBANY -- Archbishop Timothy Dolan lashed out at the "stampede" to legalize gay marriage yesterday, even as a second Republican lawmaker flipped and brought the proposal within one vote of...

Shelly's tax-cap threat

ALBANY -- Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan) threatened yesterday to sink Gov. Cuomo's marquee tax-cap proposal if Senate Republicans refuse to expand rent regulations that expire at midnight. Silver warned...