Anna Sanders

The Archive

Rivals touting people over party in Staten Island's fierce House race

Marty Cackowski stopped taking drags from a cigarette just long enough to hand congressional candidate Max Rose a Budweiser, crack open another for himself and deliver his opinion of Staten...

More firefighters are burning themselves while cooking

Maybe they should take baked Alaska off the menu. More firefighters are getting burned – thanks in part to a 32 percent spike in cooking injuries in firehouse kitchens. Overall,...

De Blasio waited over six months to endorse Hillary Clinton

Mayor de Blasio waited six and a half months to endorse Hillary Clinton for president in 2015 -- all while poking fun at her behind the scenes, according to newly...

Deaths of 'zombie' raccoons continue in Central Park

The blight of the living-dead raccoons isn’t over. At least 176 Central Park raccoons have now perished in an outbreak of a virus that causes them to act like “zombies”...

Taxpayers forced to foot the bill for councilman's anti-harassment training

Taxpayers had to pay for a Bronx lawmaker’s anti-harassment training after he gave “unwanted attention” to a female staffer. City Councilman Andy King was forced to take the $3,500 “sensitivity”...

NYPD cop accused of choking girlfriend released without bail

An off-duty NYPD cop accused of choking his ex-girlfriend -- and sending her a terrifying picture of a noose -- was released without bail Saturday and ordered to stay away...

Bloomberg considered Oprah for his Cabinet if he became president

Oprah Winfrey was in the running to be Mike Bloomberg’s Secretary of Commerce during his last flirtation with the White House in 2016 — alongside other big names for the...

Mike Pompeo joins Instagram, thinks he has 'swagger'

He’s making diplomacy trendy again. At least, he’s trying to. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo rebranded the State Department as the “Department of Swagger” in an Instagram account he launched...

Researchers think they've found the world's oldest brewery

This could be the oldest brewery in kegs-istence. Researchers say they’ve discovered the earliest evidence of man-made alcohol at a bygone brewery in a prehistoric graveyard cave in Israel, where...

Trump: My poll numbers would be better if it wasn't for Mueller

President Trump insisted on Saturday that his “good” poll numbers would be higher if not for special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. “While my (our) poll numbers are good, with...

Kavanaugh vote moving forward despite allegations

A committee to recommend Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh for confirmation by the full Senate is still set for Thursday after he was accused of sexual misconduct, according to a...

Trump fears James Mattis is secretly a Democrat as he mulls his fate

President Trump’s Pentagon chief is in the doghouse. Trump is thinking about giving Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis the boot after the November midterm elections, according to a published...

Mailer linking Nixon to anti-Semitism was approved by top Cuomo aides

The slimy mailer that sought to link Cynthia Nixon to anti-Semitism was drafted and approved by Gov. Andrew Cuomo's closest advisers, including former top aide Larry Schwartz, sources told The...

Email from Cuomo aide casts doubt on claims over anti-Semitic mailer

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he was blindsided by an “inappropriate” political mailer tying Cynthia Nixon to anti-Semitism — but just a day before the inflammatory literature surfaced, one of his...

Beloved Staten Island groundhog dies from kidney disease

At least Mayor de Blasio can’t be blamed for this groundhog’s tragic demise. Known to fans as Staten Island Chuck, the Staten Island Zoo’s 6-year-old female groundhog named Charlotte has...

Feds admit they misunderstood texts from accused Russian spy

Feds have admitted they misunderstood text messages they previously used to claim that accused Russian spy Maria Butina offered sex for access to political figures. The government had alleged Butina...

Cuomo Bridge span opening delayed over collapse fears on Tappan Zee

The governor got burned by his own bridge. Andrew Cuomo’s rushed opening of the span memorializing his late father morphed into a monumental mess Saturday when the new crossing was...

Activists slam City Council member for approving tech hub without zoning restrictions

Greenwich Village activists are furious with a City Council member who campaigned last year to safeguard the neighborhood from overdevelopment because she approved a tech hub in Union Square without...

AMI employees donated thousands of dollars to Cuomo campaigns

National Enquirer boss David Pecker isn’t just Donald Trump’s longtime pal and campaign confidant — he’s quietly lavished tens of thousands of dollars on Gov. Cuomo. Pecker’s American Media Inc.,...

WFP honcho probed over alleged theft from political club

Cops want to quiz a Working Families Party honcho in the recent theft of thousands from the coffers of a Bronx Democratic club, The Post has learned. Juan Antigua, the...