Andrew C. McCarthy

The Archive

Cohen was already a perjurer, fraudster and tax cheat -- now he's also a thief

Under another day of withering cross-examination on Monday, former Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen admitted that he stole $60,000 from the Trump Organization. Between February and December 2017, Cohen was...

Alvin Bragg again tries an underhanded tactic against Trump

Regardless of how one feels about Donald Trump, New Yorkers should be outraged at the mockery Bragg is making of the state’s legal system – as the entire country looks...

‘Hush money’ is not a crime, and Bragg has no case against Trump

From the perspective of Bragg and Democrats, to accurately describe what they’ve alleged would be to see it laughed out of any court that isn’t a kangaroo court.

What 'proportionality' really means in Israel's war against terror

The proportionality twaddle is a hobby horse of anti-Western leftists – ever ready to rationalize the barbarity of jihadists who recognize no constraints on their tactics.

Hunter Biden digs hole even deeper by falsely claiming laptop was 'hacked'

At least Hunter Biden now admits that the emails, pictures and documents are his. That’s progress.

'Impeachment inquiry' name doesn't mean much, but GOP is making progress against Biden

The announcement of an “impeachment inquiry” in the House to determine whether there are grounds to remove President Joe Biden is more of a political move than a legal one.

Obama, Clinton and Biden ALL used secret, fake-name email accounts to hide their actions

One of the main reasons the Obama Justice Department whitewashed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s criminally negligent mishandling of classified information, is that Obama was implicated.

Out of all indictments, Georgia is the most perilous threat to Trump

The imminent charges in Georgia relate to former President Donald Trump’s efforts to undo the Peach State’s popular election.

Jack Smith hasn't charged Trump with the Jan. 6 riots — but he wants to use it as a judicial cudgel

Special Counsel Smith intends to try former President Donald Trump for the Capitol riot even though he hasn’t charged Trump for the Capitol riot.

The fix was in for Hunter Biden — until a hero judge stepped up

Judge Noreika didn’t have to do much: just ask Hunter Biden’s defense lawyers and the Biden Justice Department prosecutors what, exactly, they had agreed to. The Biden Justice Department didn’t...

The deceit behind Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal gets even more audacious by the day

The Justice Department’s deceitfulness regarding Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal gets more audacious by the day

A proud defense of whataboutism — comparing Trump to other cases is the practice of law

We’ve had more than the usual fill of "whataboutism" this week because of the Biden Justice Department’s indictment of Donald Trump.

Biden deserves same treatment as Trump for his classified documents scandal

House Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan should demand that the special counsel and the FBI produce a general description of the documents Biden maintained in unauthorized locations.

How Obama officials and the FBI squashed any investigation into Hillary Clinton

When Andrew McCabe, former deputy director of the FBI, was fired in disgrace in 2018, it was commonly assumed it was because of the “Russiagate” investigation.

Trump's 'grab her by the ...' tape may cost him a rape trial — and the presidency

If Donald Trump is found liable for committing a sexual assault and assessed heavy damages, it will be a political earthquake.

Biden's corruption is enough to disqualify him from office now

A little advice to Republicans overseeing the Biden investigations: Don’t worry if he’s a criminal. It’s bad enough to be corrupt. James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the House Oversight Committee,...

Of course Biden officials are interfering in his son's case -- why else has Hunter skated for five years?

A lawyer for the whistleblower has reported that “preferential treatment and politics” have been “improperly infecting decisions and protocols that would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in...

Bragg's case against Trump is utterly incoherent

There may not be enough space in the mega-verse to describe the sundry flaws in the Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg'ss indictment against former President Donald Trump.

For the left, putting Trump through a painful prosecution is the point

Is the case Bragg is bringing against Trump trivial? Is it legally weak? Could it undermine the public perception of stronger cases against Trump being built?

Since everyone had classified docs, prosecutors are going after Trump for obstruction

The Biden Justice Department has a dilemma.