Adriana Cohen

The Archive

Ad boycott of Musk's Twitter underscores Dems' 'free-speech' hypocrisy

Of course, these same corporations and special-interest groups had no issue when misinformation and unfounded conspiracy theories ran wild on Twitter.

In a new low, MSNBC spews sickening speech about Republicans whose opinions it doesn't like

MSNBC is openly spewing dangerous propaganda on its airwaves and trafficking hate against MAGA voters with no pushback from its hosts or executive brass.

Sorry, Deporter-in-Chief Obama: Opposing open borders isn't racist

With the midterms on the horizon and President Joe Biden's dismal approval numbers causing alarm within the Democratic Party, former President Barack Obama is playing the race card trying to...

White House is spreading 'misinformation' even as it asks Big Tech to crack down

There's hardly a day that goes by where Democrats and the Biden regime aren't lying to our faces spreading misinformation themselves without any correction or accountability.

The FBI raid on Trump's Mar-a-Lago home highlights the alarming double standard that gives Dems a pass

The FBI raid of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate is proof of a double standard that gives Democrats a pass on breaking the law.

5 questions FBI chief Wray must answer before the Senate Judiciary Committee

In response to whistleblowers alerting Congress of disturbing political bias and other misconduct at the FBI, Director Christopher Wray will testify Thursday before the House Judiciary Committee.

Dems' 'deplorable' double standard on offensive speech

Democrats can dish it out when it comes to insults and inflammatory rhetoric, but they can't take it when something offends them.

What happens when you re-join Twitter? Its liberal bias really shines through

Twitter’s extreme bias against conservatives and media outlets it doesn’t like rages on, and I have the screenshots to prove it.  

Five tweets Musk should post ASAP — for the good of the nation

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has immense power at his fingertips on Twitter -- he should use it wisely to call out the Democrats' failures.

After Texas school shooting, we must put more resources into mental health

"Today's declaration is an urgent call to policymakers at all levels of government — we must treat this mental health crisis like the emergency it is."

The left's talk of 'women's rights' exposes its gender hypocrisy

Now that the Supreme Court may overturn Roe v. Wade, Democrats are up in arms accusing those who oppose abortion of not protecting "women's" rights.

From someone who's been shadow-banned: Elon Musk is a hero

Elon Musk buying Twitter is the greatest defense of freedom and democracy since President Ronald Reagan said, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” in 1987.

Democrats call themselves progressive — but practice regressive policies

Fourteen months into the Biden administration, it's clear Democrats are not the progressives they claim to be. They should be called the "regressives"

They all knew – and did nothing to stop the Russia collusion hoax

The world is watching as the lamestream media continues to hide Hillary Clinton's Russia collusion hoax and her dirty espionage tricks on Donald Trump, Adriana Cohen writes.

Canceling Joe Rogan will backfire on Democrats

In an age of censorship, PC and "wokeness" run amok, it is imperative that we have a national conversation about what's acceptable speech, what is not and whether we want...

Why hasn't Fauci been fired and put under FBI investigation yet?

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the White House's top medical adviser, shouldn’t be on TV; he should be under federal investigation.

Biden’s broken promise to deliver COVID tests ruined the holidays

The Biden administration's utter incompetence in delivering COVID-19 tests to Americans is the grinch that stole Christmas.

Biden's 2022 to-do list — if he wants to avoid a red wave

If Democrats want to stave off the red wave that cometh their way in the midterms next year, they need a hard pivot to the political middle.

After Sen. Warren's slurs, Elon Musk should leave left-biased Twitter

Surprise! Twitter is showing its political bias… once again. Will the social media network, run by rabid left-wing political activists, ever be held accountable for rigging the platform?

Incompetent Kamala Harris is even worse than you think

During the election, I wrote a column warning voters that Kamala Harris isn't ready to be president should she be needed to replace Joe Biden in the big chair if...