
Why ‘Bros’ is a hit movie to see in theaters for your zodiac sign

“BROS” is a film that Hollywood has needed. Straight audiences will love “BROS.” Gay audiences will love “BROS.” Men, women, young, middle-aged and elderly people will love “BROS.”

You’ll all like “BROS.” It is charming, sensitive, dramatic and is an authentic picture of living in 2022. After seeing this film, I’m also totally certain Billy Eichner is my future husband or my future bro, so let’s find out!

My bestie Zeke Williams, a fellow media veteran, and I decided to get an inside scoop on the feature film. We heard the amazing reviews and wanted to experience it ourselves. If you’ve heard haters, burn them down.

The film is a masterpiece.

For everything celebrity astrology be sure to follow me. Zeke and I sat down and broke down the best reason each zodiac sign should see “BROS.” Find out yours! 

“BROS” breaks ground. AP

ARIES (MARCH 21 – APRIL 19): It breaks down new territory in cinema

“BROS” will show you new perspectives in a hilarious way that introduces new types of characters. Not only are you able to experience new worlds, but you can understand different passions and desires that may not initially be present in other forms of cinema. In previous films that focused upon characters who are gay, most narratives cast straight actors portraying gay romance and passion. In “BROS,” this is flipped on its head, with gay actors embodying gay characters and several straight actors now portraying gay characters. This gives a vast level of depth to the story.

TAURUS (APRIL 20 – MAY 20): The grounded reality of New York City

“BROS” brings the familiar territory of New York City to the film, homaging past archetypes and the beauty of a city always trying to build money, power and glory. The business of making money and telling stories also holds truth and honors the authenticity of an artist trying to make it in the real world, make money and build a legacy. Tauruses love to ground themselves in a world that they understand and feel safe within. Watch it unfold like a flower.

GEMINI (MAY 21 – JUNE 20): The one-liners

This film is unbelievably intelligent, witty and hilarious. The wise casting, the jokes that catch you cackling out of nowhere and then the jokes that leave you hanging, thinking about them later. We don’t want to give away all of the best one-liners in the film, but let’s just throw out (no spoilers): “We had AIDS, they had GLEE.” “Home Alone, starring Sarah Paulson.” “Are you into these muscle heads?” “No, I prefer someone who is frail and talks a lot.” You have to see it. It’s outrageous. The whole theater screamed multiple times.

CANCER (JUNE 21 – JULY 22): How “BROS” showcases family

Family is important — regardless of one’s sexual orientation. However, many people struggle with family — again, regardless of sexual orientation. “BROS” brings a fresh perspective to the table, discussing family as one’s friendships and community, and others tied to the traditions of their past. As the film unfolds, we watch as different characters have different approaches to connecting to their family — and being introduced to other families, as well.

“BROS” is outrageously funny. AP

LEO (JULY 23 – AUGUST 22): Aaron is such a Leo

Everyone loves some eye candy. And Aaron reveals that with abs and biceps and a face of the gods. While the initial set-up of an outrageously sexy muscle jock who has his own demons (no spoilers, and I cried when I saw it because it reminds me of my ex) liking a creative passionate soul can raise an eyebrow, the actor Luke Macfarlane brings genuine depth and talent to the role. Leos love romance and the beauty of “BROS” is that it dances the line of playing a cliché but doesn’t—and genuinely makes us charmed by each of the characters.

VIRGO (AUGUST 23 – SEPTEMBER 22): Billy Eichner’s character, Bobby, is a total freaking Virgo

I didn’t even look up Billy Eichner’s zodiac sign, but as Zeke and I watched this, we kept mouthing silently: “He’s such a Virgo!” And honestly, Billy embodies this character to the core of his being. He is quirky. Unique. Charming. Intellectual. Slightly neurotic. And kind of a freak in bed. While his character Bobby isn’t necessarily the most charismatic character off the bat, he is immensely captivating the more that you get into his mind, heart and soul. If there is any reason to see this film, it is to witness the transformation of Billy Eichner giving a career-crowning performance — and don’t forget, he co-wrote this film, as well. *swoon, swoon, swoon*

LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 – OCTOBER 22): The dance of romance

When it comes to rom coms, you either love it and fall in love with their story — or you roll your eyes and tune out. The beauty of “BROS” is that it draws attention to the jokes and clichés of falling in love — and how people do it in the 2020s. The romance between Bobby and Aaron in the film is legitimately hilarious — and confusing — but ultimately feels authentic and genuine. This is a testament to the direction, writing, acting and cinematography of “BROS.” Also, the ending of the film is *chefs kiss* and no, we are not going to give that away.


Sex is a big part of “BROS.” However, it isn’t raunchy or scary whatsoever. Yes, it can be shocking that two men might have sex, but it is 2022, people. The thing that is fascinating about this film is that it does explore monogamy and polyamory. Each character goes on their own journey about how — and why — they like certain things, but none of it feels forced. The threesome and foursome scenes are hilarious — to be honest, I’d watch this film with my grandma because it wasn’t salacious; the scenes propelled the story and held genuine authenticity to how certain people approach intimacy.

“BROS” will make you tearful in a good way. AP


Wow. This script. Wow. “BROS” paints a beautifully imperfect love story. It is incredibly filled with depth, philosophical insight, humor and eccentricity. Sagittarians love an adventure and this film will take you on a whirlwind from beginning to end because you are captivated by the ideology of the character. Oh, and yes…they do travel, but (no spoilers).

CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 – JANUARY 19): “BROS” honors the past

“BROS” brings up history in a remarkably intelligent way. It discusses respected public figures from ancient times, those of American culture, and others who may or may not have been straight, gay, bi or trans. The fact that the majority of the film is set behind the backdrop of a museum is magnificent because it causes the audience to not only enjoy the shock and laughter as the scenes unfold — but also question the power of narrative and who is or has told the truth about history — and who will tell the story going forward.

AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 – FEBRUARY 18): Diversity has a voice

What “BROS” does well is that it appeases an Aquarian’s need to look at life like a spectrum and view the world from many points of view. In “BROS” there is a representation of the LGBTQ spectrum — but what it does repeatedly is bring up the need for other voices needing to come to the table. In the film, as the key characters come together to discuss the creation of the museum, they also recognize that there is a disconnect between who has more awareness and power and how by working together as a community, more voices, names, ideas, and stories can be found.

PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 – MARCH 20): The music will get you grooving

The music direction on “BROS” is an A+. Most films struggle when introducing hit song, fun homages, and live performances in a film, but “BROS” knocks it out of the ballpark. It is epic. It is soulful. We danced in our seats. We even cried. It was done so sweetly that you never even knew it was coming. That will ignite any Piscean soul with magic and bring their heart and soul even further into this masterpiece.

Special thanks to Zeke Williams for collaborating with me on this article!

Oh, and Billy. Just so you know. This is my love gift to you. I see you.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in “Access Hollywood,” E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan magazine, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, Marie Claire and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. For more information, visit