US News

Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet told colleagues Trump would beat Biden ‘by a landslide’

Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) revealed Tuesday that he believes former President Donald Trump will beat President Biden “by a landslide” in November.

Bennet, 59, was reportedly one of three Democratic lawmakers in the upper chamber who expressed concern at a caucus lunch Tuesday that the 81-year-old president stands to lose to Trump in the wake of his disastrous June 27 debate performance against his rival.

Sen. Michael Bennet
Sen. Michael Bennet has become the latest Democratic to come out against Joe Biden as the party’s nominee. Getty Images

“Donald Trump is on track, I think, to win this election, and maybe win it by a landslide,” the Colorado senator said during an appearance on CNN.

Bennet also argued that Trump and Republicans would “take with it the Senate and the House” majorities come the fall.

“This race is on a trajectory that is very worrisome if you care about the future of this country,” Bennet said, stopping short of calling on Biden to end his re-election bid. 

“Joe Biden was nine points up at this time – the last time he was running” the senator noted. “Hillary Clinton was five points up.” 

“It’s a moral question about the future of our country, and I think it’s critically important for us to come to grips with what we face if together, we put this country on the path of electing Donald Trump again,” Bennet said of his decision to speak out publicly about his Nov. 5 fears.

“I think that we could lose the whole thing,” Bennet reiterated. 

Sens. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) reportedly joined Bennet in expressing concern about the state of the race Tuesday, behind closed doors, but Bennet would not confirm what the vulnerable Senate incumbents said during the lunch.

U.S. President Joe Biden speaks at a NATO event to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the alliance.
“Donald Trump is on track, I think, to win this election, and maybe win it by a landslide,” the Colorado senator said during an appearance on CNN. REUTERS

Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) reportedly drafted a yet-to-be-published letter calling on Biden to step aside and other elected Democrats, such as Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey, have all but called on Biden to exit the race.

“I’m sure President Biden has a different view of his prospects in this election than I do, but we should be having a discussion about that,” Bennet argued. 

The Colorado senator went on to slam the White House for doing “nothing” to “demonstrate that they have a plan to win this election” or win critical swing states in November. 

“They need to do that,” he said.

“They have to address the American people’s concerns,” Bennet declared. 

“If we just sit on our hands, if we say we’re going to disregard what is plainly in front of us and plainly in front of the American people and we end up electing Donald Trump again as president of the United States, that’s going to be a huge tragedy beyond epic proportion,” he added.  “And, it’s something I can’t live with.”

Bennet noted that he did hear any Senate Democrats explicitly call on Biden to drop out of the race during Tuesday’s Senate meeting. 

The president has vowed to stay in the race despite plunging poll numbers and concerns that he is not mentally fit to serve another 4 years in the White House. 

Biden, the oldest president in American history, would be 86 years old by the end of a second term.