World News

Nasty brawl erupts on Canadian golf course after one group kept shooting balls at the other: video

This was one un-fore-gettable round.

A nasty brawl erupted between two groups of golfers on a Canadian course Saturday after one kept shooting toward the other, nearly pelting them with their balls, according to police.

Footage of the rumble at Riverway Golf Course in British Columbia begins with an apparent lull in the action as two players are seen lying on the ground surrounded by six others on their feet.

But then one man who was tending to what looked like an injured woman reignited the melee by sauntering over to another, who was helping his injured buddy, and landing a swift kick to the back of his victim’s head, the viral video shows.

One man gears up to kick the other in the head.
The fight was seemingly reignited when one man kicked the other, who was nursing his hurt buddy, in the head. doubleH61817201/X

The kick was so intense that it knocked the attacker off his feet, providing his victim and his friend the perfect opportunity to pin him down.

The three exchanged several more blows, which their friends seemed content to allow until they rolled over the first hurt man who was still lying on the ground.

Another man then swooped in to put the fight to end once and for all.

One man pulls the other off his friend.
The brawl broke out when one group continuously almost hit the other with fly balls, police said. doubleH61817201/X

“F–king stop!” the apparent voice of reason said, before immediately using the R-word.

According to Burnaby police, the kerfuffle erupted around 10:40 a.m. because “one group of golfers had allegedly almost hit the other group with their ball on several occasions.”

What started as a verbal altercation “quickly turned physical,” and one woman was pushed to the ground, where she sustained minor injuries, Cpl. Laura Hirst with the Burnaby RCMP told The Post.

Police were called to the scene and separated the groups, escorting both off the grounds.

Riverway Golf Course did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Investigators are combing through witness statements and the viral video as they weigh whether or not to slap any of the brawlers with charges.