
NYC Comptroller Brad Lander set to challenge Adams for mayor, tells key donors he’s running: sources

Lefty New York City Comptroller Brad Lander is set to challenge Mayor Eric Adams for the Democratic mayoral nomination next year — telling key donors unequivocally that he is in the race, The Post has learned.

Rumors have been swirling in political circles for months about whether Lander would actually give up his post at the city’s financial office after one term to take a shot at running City Hall in next year’s election.

Now, with Adams’ lagging poll numbers and progressive state Sen. Zellnor Myrie announcing his exploratory committee for mayor last month, Lander has been recently lining up support for his bid, sources said.

Comptroller Brad Lander
City Comptroller Brad Lander is expected to enter the mayoral race soon. Matthew McDermott

“He’s running for mayor. He wasn’t hedging,” a donor who asked to remain anonymous told The Post.

The donor added that Lander’s bid will be announced soon.

Political sources close to Lander told The Post a formal announcement is expected in early July.

Lander already has brought on Global Strategy Group to do polling for his run for mayor, according to sources. The group polls for Gov. Kathy Hochul and also worked for Lander’s comptroller run.

“As of right now, Comptroller Lander is running for re-election, and I’m proud to be part of his team,” founder Jefrey Pollock said, refusing to comment on the expected mayoral bid.

In addition, Politico reported earlier this week BerlinRosen had been hired to do political consulting.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams
Mayor Eric Adams has repeatedly mocked Lander and used him as a progressive foil while in office. Robert Miller

A rep for Lander on Tuesday referred The Post to the comptroller’s comments Monday when he told WNYC Radio’s Brian Lehrer that he is “seriously considering” a run.

The donor, referring to Lander’s expected bid, told The Post, “I was a little surprised,” adding that he thought the comptroller would wait to see how the federal probe into Adams’s prior mayoral campaign plays out.

Lander will join an already crowded fielded for the Democratic mayoral primary, which also includes former city Comptroller Scott Stringer, who entered the race earlier this year.

Stringer’s first the mayoral bid imploded in 2021 after a lawsuit accusing him of sexual misconduct. That suit has since been dismissed, and he is suing the woman for defamation.

A Lander’s mayoral run would lead to a wide-open race for comptroller, which key Adams ally state Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar is eyeing, The Post previously reported.