Sex & Relationships

Bride blasts guest for sending ‘just’ a $100 gift by Venmo days after wedding: ‘Disrespectful’

She said “I don’t” to this tardy wedding gift.

An enraged bride has blasted a guest who attended her wedding because she Venmoed her $100 as a gift days after the actual celebration took place.

The attendee took to Reddit to share screenshots of a text exchange with the bride, which began with the newlywed expressing her upset about the amount of money and the fact it was late.

An enraged bride has blasted a guest who attended her wedding because she Venmoed her $100 as a gift days after the actual celebration took place. Getty Images

“Hey so I got your $100 gift a couple of days after the wedding and honestly … kinda shocked and bummed about it. Feels a bit disrespectful,” the bride wrote in the since-deleted images.

“Not only were you late to my ceremony, but the absence of a card just added to it,” the newlywed continued. “Your recent birthday invite asked for $225 each and I would’ve done it without a second thought if I weren’t getting married.”

“Yet, receiving just $100 for MY WEDDING felt like an afterthought and a bit tactless,” she fumed.

“Hey so I got your $100 gift a couple of days after the wedding and honestly … kinda shocked and bummed about it. Feels a bit disrespectful,” the bride wrote. Getty Images/iStockphoto
“Receiving just $100 for MY WEDDING felt like an afterthought and a bit tactless,” she ranted. Getty Images/iStockphoto

The bride went on to explain that she was sending back the $100 gift via Venmo, describing her friend’s actions as “hurtful.”

She ended her tart text by telling attendee: “I suggest taking a hard look at your relationships. If this is how you value friendships, it’s genuinely disheartening.”

However, the guest clapped back, with a lengthy explanation as to why she only sent through that specific sum.

“Hi, I’m so sorry you feel that way, it was not my intention at all!” she started. “As a single person who does not drink, I’ve always given $100 as a wedding gift to my friends, in addition to shower gifts.”

“Additionally, I truly thought the money transfer was the preferred method since it was what was on the registry when I checked.”

The pal added that she had to rearrange international travel plans to make sure she was in town on the day of her friend’s wedding — something that cost her additional money.

She ended her text by apologizing for being late to the ceremony — but insisted it wasn’t her fault.

“I drove (our two friends) and it was not me who wasn’t ready on time, but I don’t blame you for being upset at all of us for this,” the guest stated. “I love both of you [the bride and groom] so much and was so thrilled to be there for your big day, I hope you can understand where I am coming from too.”

The attendee took to Reddit to share screenshots of a text exchange with the bride, which began with the newlywed expressing her upset about the amount of money and the fact it was late. Reddit
The guest clapped back, with a lengthy explanation as to why she only sent through that specific sum. Reddit

Redditors were left divided as to exactly who was in the wrong, but most conceded that both parties didn’t behave perfectly.

“I can see where both of you are coming from here,” one wrote. “Basically this could have been resolved by a bit more grace on both sides — if you had given a card and apologized promptly for being late, and if she had enough grace to let the amount and the lateness go.”

“Etiquette allows wedding gifts up to the first year of marriage. Sending a Venmo without a card is tacky. Showing up late to a wedding is crass. Sending the Venmo back with a text is rude,” another tartly declared, attacking both bride and guest. “You all are ill-mannered and self-centered.”

A third reasoned: “If you’re friends, you talk through these hurt feelings and apologize to move past it. It’s normal to disagree with friends occasionally — it matters how we address and work through it.”

Meanwhile, another Redditor was left wondering what would happen to the $100 that had been sent through and subsequently rejected by the bride.

“I’m willing to graciously accept the $100 wedding gift,” they quipped.