
Mom influencer ripped for asking for donations — after spending $17,000 in one month

Did she put the “con” in contribution?

New York mom influencer Adrielle Sigler has been criticized for requesting online donations after reportedly spending $17,000 in just one month.

Single mother of three Sigler, 33, whose videos have amassed millions of views on TikTok, has numerous times asked strangers to contribute money to help with her allegedly high living costs and child-rearing expenses.

In her latest video plea, the Jamestown-based stay-at-home parent set up a GoFundMe page to try and raise $30,000 so they could move. The content creator claimed that her son was “brutally assaulted” on May 2 and that they needed to move “as soon as possible” because their lives were “at risk” in the upstate locale, per the clip.

“That is why I had to put an emergency GFM together to get out of this high crime area as soon as possible,” Sigler told The Post on Thursday. “Luckily, we found a place, I signed a lease, I’m moving soon.”

She additionally claimed that she “unenrolled him from public school, transferred him to a homeschooling platform and flew with him out of town because he was receiving death threats.”

“I’m financially responsible for three little humans,” Sigler said while defending her $17,000 in alleged expenditures. Adrielle Sigler/Instagram

While it may have seemed like a noble cause, some internet sleuths found the fundraising campaign a tad suspect, given Sigler posted a video a month earlier claiming that she spent $17,000 in one month.

Drama influencer @ConspiraTea posted a clip in which she exposed the suspicious spending habits of this alleged wolf in bedraggled parents’ clothing.

The video began with a snippet of Sigler outlining her exorbitant expenditures in an April video. “This month I spent over $17,0000,” she declared, clearly not seeing a problem with her lavish spending as she’s “single stay-at-home mom of three.”

“I’m financially responsible for three little humans,” said the guardian, who reportedly makes all her money off of social media.


Replying to @KingZippy Adrielle Sigler saying she spent $17,000 in ONE MONTH but has a Gofundme up for $30,000 Obviously, she could be lying, but this isn’t the first time that she has bragged about how much money she makes off of this app. She also tried to move in 2023 and has had previous gofundme accounts. #tiktoktea#adriellesigler#veganrizz #greenscreenvideo

♬ original sound – ConspiraTea
Sigler said she needed to raise $30,000 to move for her family’s safety following a “brutal assault” on her son. Adrielle Sigler/TikTok

It was at that point that ConspiraTea chimed in and broke down the expenses to “spare” viewers having to see “the rest of the video.”

Per the clip, the $17,000 was broken down into $5,000 on unspecified car repairs, $1,000 on a rental car, $1,600 on her kids’ summer clothes, $800 on Doordash and $800 a month on utilities.

Sigler also reportedly mentioned other items, including Amazon items, makeup, allowance, hair stuff and five cellphones — two for her and one for each of her three kids — but didn’t specify the exact figure for each.

Also undisclosed was the amount she spent on rent, although she claimed she had covered “four months” in advance.

“I had just paid off my rent for the summer,” Sigler told The Post of the bundle, which she said was spent on renting both a house and garage.

The distraught mom added that she wouldn’t have forked over the amount ahead of time had she known they’d be making an emergency move.

“If I knew we were going to have to find a place to move as soon as possible, I would have held off on half of that spending,” she told The Post. “My son got jumped not even one week after I had just paid off my rent for the entire summer.”

Ultimately, the self-proclaimed “generous” mother doesn’t regret the steep expenditures.

“If you’re a single mom and you’re supporting three kids, then some months — you know, rent is due, and your car needs to be fixed — you can easily spend $15,000 to $20,000 a month,” Sigler declared in the aforementioned clip. “Let’s not forget birthdays, oh my God. And hair salons. You know having kids … OK, maybe you don’t have to spend money at hair salons, but you probably should if you want your kids to be happy.”


Replying to @KingZippy Adrielle Sigler saying she spent $17,000 in ONE MONTH but has a Gofundme up for $30,000 Obviously, she could be lying, but this isn’t the first time that she has bragged about how much money she makes off of this app. She also tried to move in 2023 and has had previous gofundme accounts. #tiktoktea#adriellesigler#veganrizz #greenscreenvideo

♬ original sound – ConspiraTea

The upstater added that she spends all her time making a living in social media so she can support her kids, adding that doesn’t want them to slum it.

“I wouldn’t be a good parent if I just let my kids live in the bare minimum that’s not … Who the f–k wants to do that?” the proud vegan proclaimed in the vid. “This is the month my kids needed new cell phones, too, I forgot about that.”

There’s even a petition to get Sigler booted off TikTok. Adrielle Sigler / Facebook

She further justified her expenditures, telling The Post: “It’s not like I’m spending this money on myself buying designer bags and jeans.”

Needless to say, many TikTok commenters felt that her expenses didn’t add up.

“Her math is not mathing!!!” said one skeptic, while another wrote, “I live in NYC I have never had $1,7000 in expenses in my life.”

“I wish I had half these luxuries,” said a third, while another deemed it ludicrous that she asked for $30,000 after spending over half that in a month.

Several even accused her of exploiting single parenthood for profit.

“What’s your career?” inquired one commenter, to which another retorted, “beggar and scammer.”

Some critics also called nonsense on Sigler’s so-called story of her son getting “jumped” — the rationale for her $30,000 GoFundMe.

In the comments section of a WNY News report, which described how seven individuals had been charged with assault on May 2, many commenters claimed that Sigler’s son Sven was a willing participant in a pre-planned fight.

In a video posted on May 7, Sigler can be seen at her front door, talking with purported school officials as they inform her that her son was suspended for five days after agreeing to participate in a “prearranged” fight, which Sigler and her son deny.

“The ‘victim’s’ mother is exploiting her son and intentionally leaving out crucial information to collect money for sympathy,” wrote one naysayer in a comment under the WNY story.

However, Sigler insists that the GoFundMe was imperative to her family’s safety.

“My son being robbed walking home from school was a major wake-up call,” the mom insisted to The Post. And while she is moving soon, the social media personality claims that the “wait time in between is what’s scaring me” as she fears reprisal from the kids who allegedly assaulted her son.

Sigler has also refused to state when or where she is moving over safety concerns.

Despite her claims, social media users have been wholly unsympathetic to her alleged plight, with many accusing her of pulling stunts for internet clout and cash.

There’s even a Reddit thread dedicated to exposing other alleged stunts by Sigler, including accusations of “doxxing a minor” for tips and suing a cafe for telling her not to film in their establishment.

Critics have also set up a petition to get the influencer kicked off TikTok.