
Biden’s twisted logic: funding anti-Israel radicals to save the planet and fight inflation

Somehow or other in the twisted logic of BidenWorld, fighting inflation requires “green” spending that also funds anti-Israel hate.

That’s right: Under “environmental justice” grants funded in the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, the Biden Environmental Protection Agency awarded $50 million to the Climate Justice Alliance, whose website proclaims, “The path to climate justice travels through a free Palestine.”

A video even lays out “an anti-colonial framework to show how Climate Justice and the liberation of Palestine are connected”: namely, the usual blather about “settler colonialism,” white supremacy, imperialism and militarism.

Mind you, the EPA made the grant in December, months after Hamas’ Oct. 7 atrocities — which the CJA has never bothered to condemn, though by Oct. 20 it was already calling for a cease-fire, Fox News reports.

CJA’s 90-member network includes such groups as the NDN Collective, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance and DemilitaRISE — which oppose “imperialism” and aim to defund the police, the criminal justice system and the military.

Did the Biden EPA not vet the CJA, or just not care?

Count this as just another way President Biden (or his handlers) have seized every opportunity to throw taxpayer dollars at far-left groups and causes, dressing it up as supposedly serving the general good.

In other words, Team Biden aims to grab every buck it can for its allies on the flimsiest of pretexts and no matter how much debt it’s piling on to the next generation nor how much inflation it causes.

Yet somehow, they claim the other team is the threat to democracy.