
Why is Biden trying to cover for Iran’s massive nuclear violations?

Not only is the Biden administration bent on turning a blind eye to terror-supporter Iran’s world-dominating nuclear ambitions, it’s pushing our allies to ignore them, too.

The Wall Street Journal reports that European diplomats say US officials have been trying to talk Britain and France out of censuring Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s board meeting next week, though Iran has grown its stockpile of highly enriched uranium to record highs, on the brink of enough to fuel three nuclear weapons — a blatant middle finger to the West after the IAEA warned Iran to cool its nuke program and allow greater oversight.

US officials deny running cover for Iran, of course, but it fits right into President Biden’s “appeasement at all costs” strategy with Iran — national security be damned.

Since taking office, Biden has refused to enforce on-the-books sanctions against Iranian oil buyers, letting the regime amass billions and so freeing up cash to fund terrorist proxies and buy more uranium.

He all but ignored more than 160 attacks on US forces by Tehran proxies until an attack that killed three soldiers and injured 40 more forced him to respond — and then weeks later approved a sanctions waiver that gives Iran continued access to the $10 billion he released from previously inaccessible bank accounts in 2023.

And he downplayed Iran’s attack of more than 300 drone and missile strikes on Israel in April, urging the Jewish state not to retaliate.

Now, as Iran continues to hoard uranium, flout international “red lines” and inch ever-closer to building a nuclear weapon, Biden officials are again proving that the White House is terrified of stepping on Tehran’s toes — which the ayatollahs are surely taking note of.

After all, what do they have to be afraid of? Biden saying “don’t”?

Instead of using US strength and influence to force Iran’s leaders into submission, Biden still imagines he can placate them into playing nice — an approach that has only produced more aggression, including those proxy attacks on US bases and troops across the Mideast, as well as the acceleration of the nuke program.

Biden’s personal stake is obvious: God forbid oil prices spike again before the November election.

France and Britain are right to try to bring the hammer down on the out-of-control ayatollahs — if only our terrorist-appeasing president would get out of their way.