
Why military spouses are also Memorial Day heroes

Memorial Day is one of America’s most meaningful federal holidays, established in 1868 to honor the military men and women who lost their lives in service to our country.

I have always felt reverence for the dedication and commitment made by these heroes and their families.

Though as a civilian and law firm owner, I hadn’t known what military life was like . . . until I began working with military spouses.

There are roughly 1 million military spouses in America and my work with them began accidentally.

I was attending a meeting in Washington, DC about women in business when a military White House Fellow was introduced to me.

He said, “You need to meet my wife. She’s an attorney…but she’s stuck in California because she’s not permitted to practice law in DC.” 

I then learned of the complex challenges military spouses can face when trying to find work while their other halves are deployed.

And that military spouse unemployment rates — upwards of 21% — are five times the national average.

Not all military families are quite so happy — chronic un- and underemployment are typical of military spouses, according to reports. Prostock-studio – stock.adobe.com

So in 2017, I decided to take action and help military spouses find suitable jobs in their chosen fields.

The first military spouse to join our team was so eager to secure a good job in her field, she met me in my hometown right before Thanksgiving.

I was impressed with her passion and dedication. 

At the time, I had no idea I would end up partnering with so many like her, and how that experience would enrich our firm, enhance our client experience and personally transform me into an advocate for military spouses.

Today, 30% of our entire firm is composed of military spouses. 

The advantages of working with this cohort are enormous.

They are incredible team players and real leaders — highly motivated, solutions oriented, resourceful, unflappable and adaptable with an incredible work ethic.

They provide top quality service across time zones for our corporate clients who operate in a 24/7 world. 

Having a stable and portable job for military spouses is crucial in eliminating their financial insecurity — and in return our law firm has a highly effective workforce with strong retention rates. 

Many of these folks face situations few of us can imagine — moving around every 12 to 36 months, needing to find new housing, doctors, schools, jobs and professional licenses — all while managing day to day life when their spouses are deployed.

They are fearless — bringing tenacity, grit and problem-solving skills to every aspect of their lives.

For one military spouse, in particular, housing wasn’t available for months, so she juggled legal work, her kids and pets while in an RV — all as a solo parent while her spouse was in the field.  

At upwards of 21%, military spouse unemployment rates are five times the national average. AFP via Getty Images

As a business owner, I’ve needed to learn about resources, education and information in order to help serve this overlooked demographic.

We’ve been fortunate to work with strong partners, such as MSJDN —which helps lawyers — along with Hiring our Heroes, which matches qualified professionals with employers. 

Working with military spouses has become the heart and soul of our corporate culture.

On a personal level, it has educated, inspired and stretched me in ways I had not imagined.

I now see it as a mission to encourage other business leaders and decision makers to open doors and pave employment pathways for this unique segment of the talent pool. 

Both Washington and the private sector are beginning to recognize the importance of military spouse employment.

Last June, for instance, the White House issued an Executive Order addressing economic security for military and veteran spouses, military caregivers and survivors.

This was followed last month by a new federal policy introduced by Jill Biden allowing the 16,000 federally employed military spouses to work remotely when deployed overseas, which makes it easier for them to earn a living.

Jill Biden introduced a new policy allowing the 16,000 federally employed military spouses to work remotely. AP

Last December, Hiring our Heroes, a program of the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation and Blue Star Families announced the nationwide 4+1 Commitment program, which encourages the private sector to employ military spouses.

All of these efforts not only boost family incomes, they help ensure military readiness, which improves national security.

Working with military spouses has transformed my company and myself, by expanding awareness, understanding and empathy for a community far different than my own.

So while Memorial Day is a time to honor America’s military heroes, we must also honor their spouses quietly keeping their families strong back at home. 

Suzie Scanlon Rabinowitz is the founder of SRD Legal Group