
Stormy admits $130K wasn’t hush money: Letters to the Editor — May 7, 2024

The Issue: Stormy Daniels’ lawyer admitting that Donald Trump’s $130,000 payment wasn’t a payoff.

Former President Donald Trump’s trial is an example of the Democrats shaking the former president down (“Don’s 130 g wasn’t a payoff,” May 3).

Like him or not, Trump gave us four years of shored-up borders, energy independence, low cost of living, affordable interest rates and peace across much of the globe. The thanks he got in return is the Democratic Party hounding him in and out of various courtrooms like a pack of dogs.

Donathan Salkaln


Nothing is more emblematic of New York’s moronism than the Trump trials.

The radical leftists running the Democratic Party are doing legal somersaults to distort state misdemeanors into federal felonies. They know the only place that kind of banana-republic nonsense will fly today is in New York.

The rest of the country, even wrench-turners and cabbies, laughs at these political show trials. So the question now is: What will a jury of zombified New York Democrats do when it’s time to vote?
Most people expect them to vote however the lefty media tells them to.

Nick McNulty

Windham, NH

Against all conventions, Biden’s Justice Department seeks to jail his opposition candidate.

In glaring fascistic fashion, Biden now demonizes patriotic conservatives and weaponizes the power of the state that no longer seeks justice but rather authoritarianism. Democrats will trample the Constitution and call it democracy.

Lonnie Kennedy

Oklahoma City, Okla.

Clearly, many voters see the Trump trial as election interference. If Trump were not a candidate for president, he wouldn’t face constant litigation.

So, the question is: What are the Democrats afraid of?

David Duchatellier


Trump’s trial over paying for a nondisclosure-agreement brings to mind how several years ago Congress was exposed for paying off hundreds of NDAs with a slush fund of taxpayer dollars. I hope that Trump, if elected, can unseal all those NDA payouts and the reasons for them — full transparency.

Mike Santavicca


The Issue: President Biden’s awarding of the Medal of Freedom to three big-name Democrats.

President Biden gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rep. Nancy Pelosi, former Vice President Al Gore and former Secretary of State John Kerry (“Biden WH in heavy medal,” May 4).

I guess Larry, Moe and Curly couldn’t make it.

Walter Goldeski

East Brunswick, NJ

The latest recipients of the Medal of Freedom prove that it has become nothing more than a participation trophy for all of the left’s cronies.

Among the honorees is a Vietnam war draft-dodger, a climate-change scammer and a politician who critics allege got rich on insider trading all while her district suffers.

The medal now has the value of the prize in a cereal box. Leave it to the Democrats to destroy everything good.

Storm Destro

Bayonne, NJ

So Pelosi, Kerry and Gore were all given Presidential Medals of Freedom, not for any singular accomplishment but solely for their prominence in the Democratic Party.

Pelosi has shown that even potential insider trading is excusable. And Gore has personally profited from his fanatical climate scam.

If re-elected, President Biden will next hand this medal to his son Hunter for his ability to escape personal responsibility.

Anthony Bruno


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