
Elite NJ private school reveals disturbing verse scrawled on wall that led to school’s mystery closure

Racist graffiti that prompted an elite New Jersey private school to close its doors for a day this week was revealed as a sickening verse, The Post has learned.

The writing — revealed in a Wednesday email from Dwight-Englewood School head Jeremy Gregersen that was sent to parents and obtained by The Post — was four lines of prose that said, “I will kill everyone / blacks and Spanish / and much more / sons of b—-es.”

“While I know that such language can be alarming, I am sharing it with you for the sake of full transparency,” Gergersen wrote in the email. “We continue to work closely with law enforcement to find the person responsible for this message.”

Dwight-Englewood School in Englewood, New Jersey, said hateful, threatening graffiti were discovered on campus Monday night. Google maps

The targeted threat — made in a school where about half the 1,015 students are people of color — was so worrisome that the ritzy private school 12 miles north of Midtown Manhattan shut down Wednesday.

When it reopened, it had both uniformed and plainclothes security officers patrolling the halls, Gregersen added in the email.

“These measures are planned on an interim basis and will be adjusted in accordance with developing facts and in partnership with law enforcement,” the school head wrote, adding that the Englewood Police Department is “in full support” of the reopening plan.

The hateful, menacing words were found Monday evening in a boys’ bathroom near the library, Gregersen said in an earlier email to parents.

It was quickly scrubbed away, then reported to law enforcement. But the school remained shuttered while cops and administrators investigated the bias incident.

Dwight-Englewood School officials revealed what was written in an email to parents. Facebook / Dwight-Englewood School

“While we are confident the community can return to school safely, we are nonetheless delaying school by an additional day our return from our Passover holiday so we may continue the investigation and prepare for a thoughtful and reassuring return,” a Wednesday statement from a school spokesperson said.

The Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office referred requests for comment to the Englewood Police Department this week.

The Englewood department has not responded to those requests.

Dwight-Englewood School canceled all classes and extracurricular activities on Wednesday. Dwight-Englewood School

It’s not the first racism scandal the school has dealt with involving its student body. Early last month, Gregersen notified parents about a group text between several middle schoolers that included racist jokes and other offensive language, according to the Record newspaper.

The text chain included more than 30 seventh-grade boys, including Gregersen’s own son, the newspaper said.

In Wednesday’s email, Gregersen said several faculty members have met with law enforcement to try to nail down the identity of the mean-spirited artist. He also asked that anyone with helpful information reach out to school administrators.

Meanwhile, cops are reviewing campus security footage from that evening, Gregersen has said.

The school head added that the staff will “do what we can to return swiftly to a sense of normalcy.”

“I am sorry that this event has occurred on our campus,” he wrote. “Such disruptions are never easy, and I have been gratified by the generous, thoughtful, and caring response of our community.

“Thank you for your support and understanding in this difficult moment.”