World News

Embattled Netanyahu claims ‘whole world is ganging up on’ Israel, forgets Oct. 7

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed Sunday that “the whole world is ganging up” on Israel and has forgotten about the Oct. 7 terror attack.

Speaking in Jerusalem, Netanyahu, 74, slammed the growing criticism over Israel’s advancements in the Gaza Strip, accusing those who side against the war effort of turning a blind eye to the October massacre, which he says has been “quickly forgotten,” the Times of Israel reported.

“There are people here and abroad who say maybe there’s something to this [criticism],” Netanyahu said of the backlash facing the Jewish state. “Maybe we’re really not OK” responding.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that the world has forgotten about Oct. 7. AP
The prime minister has faced calls for his resignation and early elections during weekend protests — the largest in Israel since the war began.

The US and other UN member nations have voiced their concerns over the growing civilian casualties in Gaza, with the Hamas-run Ministry of Health updating the latest death toll to more than 32,000 people.

The Ministry of Health does not differentiate between terrorists and civilians, with the Israel Defense Forces estimating last month that about 12,000 Hamas operatives have been killed.

Netanyahu again assured the public that “there is no army in the world that has done and does what the IDF has done to minimize the number of casualties and achieve achievements no other army has managed.”

The prime minister also asked how anyone could accuse Israel, a nation established after the Holocaust, of committing genocide, with Netanyahu reminiscing about his father’s own battles against antisemitism.

World leaders have come to condemn Israel’s airstrikes and ground assault in Gaza over the civilian casualties. via REUTERS

Netanyahu claimed his father’s solution to combat millennia of antisemitism was the creation and ongoing defense of a Jewish state.

“First of all, we established a state to be able to physically fight against those who would kill us. And second, we also need by every means to rebuff these attacks — and if we don’t stand together to rebuff these attacks, then nobody else will for us,” the PM said.

Along with slamming critics on the global stage, Netanyahu also addressed local calls to hold early elections in Israel, claiming it would only hurt the country’s war effort.

“The calls to hold elections now, in the height of the war, a step away from victory, will paralyze Israel for at least six months — I assess, eight months,” Netanyahu claimed.

Israeli protesters gather in Jerusalem on Sunday to criticize Netanyahu’s handling of the hostage crisis. Debbie Hill/UPI/Shutterstock
The protesters are demanding their government do whatever it takes to free the hostages. Getty Images

The calls for the elections came as the largest anti-government protests of the war that began Saturday continued into Sunday, with thousands of demonstrators gathering across Israel demanding the prime minister resign and for Hamas to immediately release the remaining hostages in Gaza.  

Netanyahu was set to briefly step away from his duties as he headed into hernia surgery Sunday.

The upheaval comes the IDF said it continues to make headways in Gaza and along the northern border in Lebanon.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant claimed that Hamas us falling apart after a series of losses against the IDF, according to the Jerusalem Post.

An Israeli tank maneuvers along the Israel-Gaza border over the weekend. REUTERS

“Over the past few weeks, hundreds of terrorists have been arrested, and what they tell us helps paint the full picture,” the defense minister told troops during a visit in central Israel on Sunday. 

“They’re saying Hamas is disintegrating from within, the price they pay is very steep,” Gallant continued.

He added that the IDF will not stop hunting those involved in the brutal Oct. 7 terrorist attack, which killed more than 1,200 people, and will continue to try to save more than 240 others kidnapped.

Meanwhile, in Lebanon, Hezbollah officials confirming the death of Ismail Ali al-Zein, an alleged anti-tank missile unit commander killed in an airstrike in the village of Kounine, Al Jazeera said.

Lebanon’s National News Agency reported that an Israeli drone had launched a missile at a car al-Zein was traveling in near Kounine on Sunday.