
Jamaal Bowman’s bonkers wall of honor: Letters to the Editor — Feb. 29, 2024

The Issue: Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s past comments honoring an FBI fugitive and convicted cop-killer.

New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman claimed his school tried to teach as much black and Latino history as possible, including the “good, bad and the ugly” (“Jamaal jeered for honoring cop-killer,” Feb. 26).

While that history is important, Bowman was wrong to defend the “bad and ugly” criminals, because this teaches children that violence is the answer to societal problems.

The Black Liberation Army’s goal was to take up arms against the US government. It armed members, carried out bombings, prison breaks and armed robberies, engaged in open firefights with police and killed police officers. Hopefully, there are true black and Latino heroes included on this wall.

If Bowman really believes criminals are heroes, I hope he never resumes his teaching career.

JM Norris

Hempstead, NY

Joanne Chesimard assassinated New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster in 1973 and escaped to Cuba. Some politicians appear to be upset by Bowman’s honoring her. Surprised?

Voters should have known Bowman’s political stance on law enforcement when they elected him.
Don’t feign outrage; you got what you asked for, and will likely reelect him.

Walter Goldeski

East Brunswick, NJ

​It was absolutely preposterous that Bowman honored a murderer at a Bronx high school’s “Wall of Honor,” where he was then principal. The inclusion was even more reprehensible considering the victim was a police officer.

What message was the then-educator sending to his students? Namely, that it was honorable to kill a cop.
Bowman should have been fired for promoting such dubious honors.

Frank Brady


Displaying a cop-killer as a hero could have dire consequences for children, who might come to think that violence is something to emulate.

Joseph Valente

Staten Island

Joanne Chesimard, a k a Assata Shakur, is currently on the FBI most wanted list. I feel sorry for Foerster’s family, knowing that the person responsible for his death is being honored as a hero.

Rob Johann


What I find incredible is that these politicians and educators have adopted this lopsided logic. They denigrate the Founding Fathers and explorers like Columbus for their heinous actions, despite their noteworthy achievements.

At the same time, they seemingly see nothing wrong in elevating a murderer like Chesimard for children to erroneously look upon as someone to admire.

Veronica Kwiecinski


The Issue: Wendy’s recent announcement that it would begin incorporating surge-pricing in 2025.

Congestion dining, what a concept (“Slappy meal,” Feb. 27)!

I’m betting that the next frontier will be “congestion tipping.”

Bill Marsano


If you live long enough, you’ll hear about anything. Wendy’s is planning to raise prices of hamburgers during peak hours. Now we have congestion pricing for fast food.

We should stop patronizing Wendy’s until it changes this idiotic policy. This is going too far. We have to make a stand.

Let the company know the policy will not be accepted by hitting it in the pocketbook.

Saul Mishaan


So Wendy’s is proposing its version of congestion pricing. I hope it fails.

Barbara Hemstreet


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