
Google’s Gemini AI goes woke: Letters to the Editor — Feb. 26, 2024

The Issue: Google’s Gemini AI program that has generated historically-inaccurate pictures.

So Google is hitting the pause button on its Gemini AI after it got slammed for dishing out “diverse” images that are about as historically accurate as a three-dollar bill (“Great Google-y moogly!,” Feb. 22).

Black Vikings, lady popes, and Native Americans chilling with the Founding Fathers: Seriously?

Gemini is trying to be the poster child for absurdly woke and unusable tech. And now social media is buzzing with folks shaking their heads over these revisionist pictures.

In a world where truth should matter, it’s unsettling to see technology playing fast and loose with the facts. We should not bend over backward for some political correctness trend.

Let’s hope Google takes a hard right turn in addressing this mess before it rolls out its “improved” version. We need AI that respects history, not one that bows to the woke crowd.

George Markos

Eatontown, NJ

“Garbage in, Garbage out” is a truism that can be best ascribed to Google’s recent AI snafu — when prompts to Gemini showed images of the Vikings and President George Washington as black people, and depicted the pope as a woman.

According to Google, its AI programs are “aimed to provide a more accurate and inclusive representation of the historical context” of the period.

It’s no surprise that woke-ism has infiltrated Google’s AI program because apparently, the Gemini model was programmed with revisionist, politically correct, historical figures — to be more inclusive.

Unfortunately, it’s a pathetic sign of the times.

Michael Headley


I’m guessing that anywhere from 75% to 80% of all registered Democrats who saw that picture were very happy to find out that George Washington was apparently black. They must have never known.

John Dumary


What’s all the fuss? Google’s Gemini is doing exactly what it was programmed to do.

When I asked for the faces of white supremacy, it showed me Larry Elder, Sen. Tim Scott, and attorney Leo Terrell.

Michael Santavicca


The Issue: President Biden’s plan to forgive up to $1.2 billion in federal student loans.

The Post article was spot on (“Student-Debt Racket,” James Bovard, PostOpinion, Feb. 23).

As President Biden dismisses the Supreme Court ruling that his student-debt-forgiveness scheme is illegal, Uncle Joe just keeps doling out those dollars in his effort to buy votes. The Democratic Party is so afraid it will surely lose this November.

I tell you what, Uncle Joe: You help me pay for the roof I recently had to put on my house — which is strapping me financially — and I will also vote for you.

It’s Biden’s classic “pay for play” motto.

Donna Skjeveland


In what is clearly a shameless way to buy votes from young adults while abusing US taxpayers, the Biden administration is reviving its student-loan-forgiveness program by canceling $1.2 billion in debts.

I have a suggestion for former President Donald Trump’s campaign: Instead of trying to match Biden with a giveaway that insults hard-working Americans who actually paid back their student loans, Trump should campaign on the promise that he will allow penalty-free withdrawals from retirement accounts.

This would be viewed as a sign of solidarity and a lifeline between Trump and the struggling middle class.

Eugene Dunn


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