Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams


Biden’s lack of leadership will embolden our enemies around the world

Headless governing body

Were Iran to build a nuclear bomb, assumed is the US would order missiles and bombers.

Then Israel would take out Iran’s missiles, drone sites, military bases.

Then Hezbollah and its proxies would attack. Then the world explodes.

Also, North Korea’s threatening South Korea.

Recognizing our focus on the Mideast, puny North’s unpredictable sister could initiate trouble.

Then Biden’s mental absence might embolden evil guys.

We have a leadership crisis. Mrs. Biden knows it’s bad but besides calling her colorist she did zip to tutor Joe.

Our Constitution did not contemplate a do-nothing Congress.

As true public servants they were to get $6 per diem for five months a year.

Back then, no cowards who were afraid to stand up lest they lose their jobs. So, today, let’s pay ours less and ship them home in seven months.

Some plotting and trotting

Jane Seymour, while fund-raising her creative arts mentorship program for teens, will co-produce a film of Christy Cashman’s book “The Truth About Horses.”

They met at Kilkea Castle in Ireland . . . Want a summer share? Broker Ryan Serhant has a 15-acre private island a crumpet off Southampton.

Ram Island. One wellness center house, guest cottage, boathouse.

May 1, $150,000 a month. August the rent goes to $400,000.

Regal postures

Know what makes grit? Madonna fell onstage then continued her act . . . A Mrs. Ben Affleck statement: “If I hadn’t become a star I’d have done myself in.” . . . And from those who created the doc “Portrait of the Queen”: “Her Majesty was the most photographed and most spied upon woman on the planet.”

Poll dancing

Pollster and strategist Frank Luntz. Born Connecticut. Parents from Ukraine.

Pennsylvania U, then Oxford.

“By age 10 I knew how many electoral votes each state had. Years ago I ended up hospitalized. Since then I’ve changed my attitude. No lies. Ever. Even when answers are embarrassing.

“I’m now terrified. Next few months are the worst politics since 1968. For now, Donald wins. Not because he’s so strong. Because Biden’s weak. So old that it takes him an hour and a half to watch ‘60 Minutes.’ His favorite painting’s ‘The Last Supper.’

“He’s not the same today that he was four years ago. Because he wasn’t the same man four years ago. I met him. He was sleazy. He knew how to work the system. That’s what he was. Excited about being president but he had no ability. He never accomplished anything.”

My question: Do we vote politically or emotionally?

“Combination. Donald’s supporters are so committed that nothing said can change their minds. With not that same intensity, that hurts Biden in the surveys now.

“Look, I have great love and appreciation for our country. For the first time I’m nervous.”

Frank Luntz has advised presidential campaigns, congressional races and is a frequent TV news commentator. 

Discussing our election the pessimist says: “So many ran for the job and none of them is any good.” Optimist: “Yeah, but look at it this way. Only one of them can win.”

Only said in New York, kids, only said in New York.