
Andrew Yang says President Joe Biden will not make it through the majority of second term: ‘I would be stunned’

Former 2020 presidential candidate Andrew Yang believes President Biden will not be able to complete a second term in office, saying he has seen a “palpable difference” between now and four years ago.

Yang, a supporter of Biden’s Democratic challenger Rep. Dean Phillips, sounded the alarm about Biden’s mental acuity in an interview with The Free Press on Friday, comparing his experience with the president during the 2020 presidential election, when Yang ran against him in the Democratic primary, to what he witnessed at the White House recently. 

“I saw the president speak in person two weeks ago. And there’s a palpable difference between, let’s say now and three or four years ago,” Yang told The Free Press’ Michael Moynihan.

“I mean, I was around Joe a ton four years ago because we were in the same primary. So he would speak, get off stage, and I would speak.”

“So even in that time period,” Moynihan interjected.  

“Oh yeah,” Yang replied.

“It’s rough. And this is what I’m angry at the mainstream press for that they seem to be ignoring things that a lot of us can see.”

“I was in the room when a group of Democrats were chanting ‘Four more years’ at Joe just last week. He’s not going to make it through a second term,” Yang later said. 

“You don’t think he’s gonna make it through a second [term]?” Moynihan asked.

Former presidential candidate Andrew Yang watches President Joe Biden speak at South Carolina's First in the Nation Dinner.
Former 2020 presidential candidate Andrew Yang believes President Biden will not be able to complete a second term in office, saying he has seen a “palpable difference” between now and four years ago. REUTERS

“Oh no,” Yang doubled down, later adding “I would be stunned if he were to get through the majority of a second term.” 

Yang chuckled at the thought that Vice President Kamala Harris “may be the only figure less popular” than Biden among high-profile Democrats and pointed out how she dropped out of the 2020 race before the Iowa caucuses and was looking at a defeat in her home state of California.

“I would not be excited about a Kamala Harris presidency,” Yang told Moynihan. 

Yang called former President Trump the “heavy favorite” to win the presidential election based on polls that are significantly in his favor compared to 2020, specifically among independents.

He knocked the “magical thinking” of Democrats who are convinced that either Biden’s polling will be better or that Trump will be in jail by November.

Joe Biden speaking in a room with a US flag behind him.
Yang, a supporter of Biden’s Democratic challenger Rep. Dean Phillips, sounded the alarm about Biden’s mental acuity in an interview with The Free Press on Friday. Yuri Gripas / Pool via CNP / SplashNews.com

“Part of me is like guys, Joe Biden is undermining his superpower just by running. His greatest superpower is that he’s a good man who we think will try and do the right thing for the country. But he’s doing the wrong thing by running,” Yang said.

“He’s overstaying his welcome. He’s putting his ego ahead of the country’s interests, and he’s gonna get punished for it.”