
Senate bill compromises the border : Letters to the Editor — Feb. 7, 2024

The Issue: The “compromise” Senate bill on the border plus funding for Ukraine and Israel.

Do not be fooled by the so-called “immigration” bill in the Senate (“Bogus Border ‘Compromise,’ ” Feb. 6).
That bill will continue to let thousands of migrants enter our country.

Title 8 of the U.S. Code, Sec. 1182(f), states: “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens . . . would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may . . . suspend the entry of all aliens.”

Congress doesn’t need to pass a bill to close our border from the invasion of migrants. We just need President Biden to live up to the oath he took when he took office and close the border — himself.

Edward Carway

Somerset, NJ

Republicans scream about the border and demand that Democrats do something.

So Senate Democrats brokered a deal that gave the GOP everything it wanted to fund border protection. But Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson declared the bill dead on arrival.

That’s right. After years of demanding action on the border, Republicans are declining the deal. This is just the latest sign that they don’t care about any policy.

Whether it’s border security, wages, women’s rights or the environment — they don’t care about anything. All they want is power.

Robert LaRosa Sr.


Seeing that the American people have had it up to here with the Biden regime’s sell-out of our national sovereignty for his political gain, the Democrats — and their spineless Republican enablers — have set up a trap with this flagrantly one-sided “compromise” of a border bill.

But the American people aren’t buying this pathetic effort to put lipstick on a pig. Biden broke the border and he wants the GOP to acquiesce in his dereliction of duty. This will likely catapult Trump back into office.

James Hyland


While we need a more comprehensive answer to the issue of immigration, the solution to the country’s current border crisis is very simple and we can do without the Kabuki Theater coming out of the Senate.
Just reinstate all the Trump-era border executive orders and enforce all current immigration laws.

Peter Kelly

Hazlet, NJ

The Issue: Former President Donald Trump’s recent comments likening himself to Elvis Presley.

Now former President Donald Trump thinks he apparently looks like Elvis Presley (“Elvis J. Trump?” Feb. 5).

Trump is a really sick and delusional man. What is even more sick is that millions of adult American citizens worship him and want Trump to lead — and also destroy — our country in 2024.

Presley brought joy to endless amounts of people, and he still does. His ultimate demise was sad to witness.

However, there is no upside to Trump. He is an evil, deranged man who should not be roaming free in American society.

Hopefully Trump will be put in jail — which is where he belongs.

Kreg Ramone


Trump recently claimed he resembles Presley, the “King of Rock.”

I would agree that Trump — who is more akin to “The King of Crock” — bears some resemblance to the titles of Presley’s hits. For instance, he belongs in a “Jailhouse (Rock).”

Trump is often “(Don’t Be) Cruel.” Trump would also smell as good as a “Hound Dog.”

And while Presley sang “Always on My Mind,” Trump could only reasonably perform two versions: “Always on My Own Mind” and “Always Completely Out of My Mind.”

Vin Morabito

Scranton, Pa.

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