Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams


Ron DeSantis couldn’t be more wrong about NYC tourism

Banging on in New York

DeSantis de loser says everyone’s gone to Florida and NYC tourism’s quiet as the Sahara.

Really? Our traffic’s so congested you can’t get crosstown. Times Square’s like the subway at rush hour.

And restaurants? Take Gallaghers. Michael Kors and three friends inhaled prime rib Wednesday at Table 51. Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Cranston did Dover sole Tuesday at Table 81.

The line waiting for an empty table was Thursday. Lots of luck for Florida where late dinner’s 5 o’clock.

And Hamptons? One place grabbed $112 million. Medium home price now — $1.78 million. Under $2.5 is considered close to dregs. Premiere summer locations sell for $50M. Real estate there is growing faster than the area’s potatoes.

And God created the world even faster than construction projects run.

Expert Todd Zabelle’s new book “Built to Fail: Why Construction Projects Take So Long, Cost Too Much, And How to Fix It” tells you how to tell them to shove it.

All for the Gram

The overdressed hammy whammy Grammys. Gold, silver, metal, bronze, chain outfits. Jewelry in noses, mouths, probably behinds. It was like a Cartier vascular workout.

And the zillions those names make? Hey, in their early days for $20 thou plus lunch you could’ve gotten all four Lennon Sisters plus Taylor-less Swift.

Hopping art scene

Artist Hunt Slonem is launching a digital art collection, The Hunt Slonem Experience, at his 40,000-square-foot space, which includes a bird aviary, Victorian furniture and whateverthehell’s some colored bunny wall.

His celeb clients — Kris Jenner, Sharon Stone, Julianne Moore, Kate Walsh, Jimmy Fallon, Brooke Shields, Martha Stewart might attend. Maybe.

How Neil ticks

Neil Patrick Harris: “Busted my hump directing a new version of ‘tick, tick . . . BOOM!’ at the Kennedy Center. Only two weeks rehearsal, two days technical rehearsing, only two previews before we opened! Seventeen-hour days of constant decision-making. Loved it. All in the service of Jonathan Larson’s great work.”

His hump has since been repaired.

Boos for Bibi?

Can be a Netanyahu No Confidence Vote’s coming.

His anti noise is getting louder — as is the two-state solution. Though a no confidence Knesset vote can happen, we’re hearing things might soon boil over.

DC swamp things

Our open border, most insane thing imaginable, never occurred before anywhere.

Biden’s intransigence costs us hugely in crime, poverty.

Arrivals include single military-age men from China, Iran, Russia. Mayors and governors scream they can’t handle the flood. Schools are overcome by gangs who then recruit local kids for new gangs.

Geopolitical threats loom larger. Border issues prevent aid to Ukraine and Israel. The terror risk? Now highest ever. These radical woke policies seriously endanger our nation.

McConnell’s compromising on an issue that has no compromise. The border must be shut down. McConnell also must be shut down. The guy aged out long ago.

Intellectual specialists recently held a quiet unpublished IQ test in Washington, DC. The winner came in third.

Only in the United States, kids, only in the United States.