
Karine Jean-Pierre botches condolences to soldiers’ families, AOC slurs Israel (again) and more

Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions

This remark:

“[Condolences] to the families who lost . . . three folks who are military folks . . .  fighting on behalf of this administration.”  White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Monday

We say: “Military folks”? Please.

The dead KJP was referring to were US soldiers killed in an Iranian-backed attack.

And they certainly weren’t fighting for Team Biden — but for the nation. 

This charge:

“Republicans . . . created this [migrant crisis].” — Gov. Kathy Hochul, Wednesday

We say: Sorry, gov. Republicans had the border well under control when Trump was president.

The crisis only erupted when President Biden scrapped Trump’s policies.

Spot the difference:

“The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades.” — National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Sept. 2023


“We have not seen a situation as dangerous as the one we’re facing now across the region since at least 1973.” — Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Monday

We say: Uh, maybe it wasn’t so wise for Sullivan to brag . . .

This claim:

“The fact that this word [genocide] is even in play . . . demonstrates the mass inhumanity that Gazans are facing.” — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Monday

We say: What utter sleaze. Antisemites like AOC toss out the word “genocide” to slur Israel — then claim since the term is “in play,” it proves Israel is guilty.

Yes, Gazans are suffering. But blame Hamas terrorists for that, not Israel.

This comment:

“I’ve done all I can do [to fix the border].” — President Biden, Tuesday

We say: He’s done all he can to break the border. First, he jettisoned policies that worked, then adopted others, like catch-and-release, that made matters worse.

Indeed, there’s plenty Biden can do to fix the border, starting with enforcing current law.

Compiled by The Post Editorial Board