Trevor Bauer grilled over other sexual assault accusers in radio interview

Trevor Bauer is attempting to rehabilitate his image.

Bauer, who last pitched in MLB in 2021 and played in Japan last year, said his agent is in talks with multiple MLB teams to resume his career in the league.

He was accused by Lindsey Hill of sexual assaulting her.

Hill alleged that Bauer beat her during a sexual encounter, and Bauer subsequently sued her for defamation.

Bauer and Hill settled their dueling lawsuits in October with no money being exchanged between the two parties.

While speaking with Sal Licata and Brandon Tierney on WFAN on Friday, the two hosts challenged Bauer that although he settled his case with Hill, there are other women who accuse Bauer of similar behavior.

Trevor Bauer
Trevor Bauer last pitched in MLB in 2021. AP

“I’d like to clear some of that up,” Bauer responded. “Lindsey Hill alleged that a lot of things happened, that didn’t happen. The things that she alleged were very serious and should’ve been, and were, investigated extremely thoroughly. They didn’t happen. On that one specifically, I understand people look at it and say ‘these are things that no one should ever do regardless of if it was consensual or not.’ But those things that they’re saying happened, they didn’t happen. …

“I’ve certainly had rough sex before with other people. There is one other outstanding legal matter, a civil case that someone filed against me. I can’t talk about that one specifically, because it’s ongoing legal matters. The other two, there’s two anonymous reports in a newspaper. Both of those people first, before they made any sort of allegations against me, hired a lawyer and demanded seven figures from me. When I refused to pay them, they then and through their lawyers spoke to the newspaper.

“If I did those things, money wasn’t an issue, why would I put myself through this. Why would I refuse to pay them and have all these other allegations come out? I’m not willing to get extorted for things that I did not do. When reports come out, and I understand the perspective, for sure, that there’s a pattern here, but that’s people assuming that these things that are reported, these things that are alleged, actually happened. It’s just not an accurate account of what happened. I understand the perspective.”

Bauer received a 324-game suspension from MLB after the allegations came out, the longest punishment the league has ever given for domestic violence.

After settling his case with Hill, Bauer posted a video on X revealing alleged messages from Hill sent to her friends.

In one, Bauer shows alleged messages Hill sent to an unknown person saying “Net worth is 51 mil,” to which the other person replies “b–ch, you better secure the bag.”

Trevor Bauer
Trevor Bauer pitched in Japan last year. AP

In another, Hill allegedly sent a message calling Bauer her “next victim.”

Bauer also revealed an alleged video of Hill in bed after their sexual encounter in which she appears to smirk without any of the alleged injuries.

Hill then responded to the video in an interview on “Prime Time with Alex Stein,” and said that she should not have used the word “victim” and that her bruises took time to form.

Bauer has claimed that his rough sexual encounters with Hill and other women were consensual and agreed upon beforehand, but that he will not engage in that sort of behavior anymore.

“The best that I can do is say at the time I had a certain perspective on it, and I was willing to engage in that type of thing. In every case I would talk about it with the person, we would be at an agreement about what was going to take place. I’m not willing to engage in that any longer, regardless of any conversation that happens. I’ve had a large perspective shift on that. My actions were reckless, there’s no doubt about it. I’ve changed,” Bauer said.

Bauer said he is now being smarter with who he has sexual encounters with.

“I agreed to do things I shouldn’t have done,” Bauer said. “I met people and welcomed them into my life with no real scrutiny. I’m very detail-oriented when it comes to baseball and training, but I didn’t apply that to my personal life. I was reckless, and I ended up hurting a lot of people around me, my teammates, the Dodger organization, friends family, and Major League Baseball, by not being careful in what I was doing in my personal life. I made a lot of changes to address that. I’m not having casual sexual relationships anymore, I’m keeping my circle very tight. I’m not willing to agree to do those kind of sexual acts anymore, even if someone asks me to do those things.