US News

Who are the Houthi terrorists wreaking havoc in the Red Sea? US sinks 3 ships from radical Muslim sect

The terrorists attacking commercial ships in the Red Sea during the Mideast war are Houthis — members of a radical Muslim religious sect based in the Arab world’s poorest nation, Yemen.

The Houthis have been showing solidarity with the Palestinians against Israel by firing on foreign ships in the region.

Their antics prompted the US military to sink three of their vessels Sunday.

The terrorists, officially named Ansar Allah, or “Supporters of God,” are backed by Iran, sharing a common enemy, Saudi Arabia, which features a different religious sect.

The Houthi family emerged from the mountains of Yemen in the 1990s and gained followers as it fought in the lengthy civil war that ravaged the country, CNN said.

In 2014, the rebel group garnered enough strength to seize the capital city of Sanaa. 

The cargo ship “Galaxy Leader,” co-owned by an Israeli company, was hijacked by Iran-backed Houthis in November. Anadolu via Getty Images
A screen grab captured from a video shows that cargo ship ‘Galaxy Leader’, co-owned by an Israeli company, being hijacked by Iran-backed Houthis from Yemen in the Red Sea on November 20, 2023. Anadolu via Getty Images

The radical Shia Islamist sect has grown in recent years, fueled by the militant slogan of “God is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, a curse upon the Jews, Victor to Islam.” 

Along with Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis make up the “Axis of Resistance” against Israel, the US and the West and its allies. 

Houthi terrorists emerged from northern Yemen in the 1990s and have grown in strength in recent years. REUTERS

The Houthis declared war on shipping in the Red Sea, threatening global commerce, when Israel invaded Gaza in response to the deadly sneak attack on the Jewish state by Hamas on Oct. 7.

Over this past weekend, two US warships, the USS Eisenhower and the USS Gravely, responded to a distress call from the Singapore-flagged vessel Maersk Hangzhou after it came under attack by four rebel ships. 

The American military sunk three of the ships as tensions in the region heightened. 

With Post wires