
Colorado Supreme Court’s election bombshell: Letters to the Editor — Dec. 21, 2023

The Issue: The Colorado Supreme Court bars Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 GOP primary.

The Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to bar former President Donald Trump from running for president is a chilling step taken to destroy our system of government (“Colo. kicks Trump off ballot,” Dec. 20).

Trump was never charged with or convicted of insurrection. If the American people are denied the opportunity to vote for the candidate of their choice, then we are no longer a democratic republic.

The Marxist Democrats in Colorado have ripped the veil of secrecy off their socialist desires. If this ruling is allowed to stand, our country is heading down the road to totalitarianism.

Robert DiNardo


Just when I thought Democrats could not abuse their power any more, the Colorado Supreme Court proves me wrong by removing Trump from the ballot.

The fact that he hasn’t been charged with insurrection for the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol, or been convicted of any crime, reveals the bias of the Colorado justices.

They have disgraced their office and should be disbarred.

Greg Topliff

Aiken, SC

The Democrats are in a full-blown panic. They know Biden is finished. Recent polls indicate a big move to the right by independent voters, while younger voters have had enough with the president.

The censorship by social media outlets can’t hide the total failure of this administration, or its inability to do anything right.

Now, the Colorado Supreme Court has decided to keep Trump off the 2024 primary ballot. Of course, if this is upheld, all the battleground states run by Democrats will follow suit and Trump will not be able to win the election.

It is time for the US Supreme Court to step up, do its job and overrule these biased courts. Our very democracy is at stake.

Don Whitman

Cross River

The Colorado Supreme Court has stated the obvious: Donald Trump engaged in insurrection and should be removed from the ballot and barred from ever holding public office. It’s nice to see government officials demonstrating a little sanity for a change.

Paul Bacon

Hallandale Beach, Fla.

Donald Trump has never been convicted of a felony, so there is absolutely no reason to prevent him from being on the ballot in Colorado. This is further proof of the utter desperation within the Democratic Party to prevent Trump from winning the presidency in 2024.

Instead of letting the American people decide who should lead them, the Democrats in Colorado are destroying our constitutional rights to prevent Trump’s victory.

This could happen to any American, in any Democrat-run state. We should all be deeply concerned with Colorado’s decision. Take this to the US Supreme Court.

Michael Pravica

Henderson, Nev.

Although former President Trump was never convicted of insurrection, the Colorado Supreme Court saw fit to cite the 14th Amendment as justification for keeping Trump off the primary ballot.

Apparently they were absent on the day their professors taught “innocent until proven guilty” in law school — or maybe they just went to Harvard.

Either way, they have destroyed the very fabric of our democracy in order to “preserve it” in their own perverted image.

Jack Kaufman

Naples, Fla.

Doesn’t Trump at least have to be found guilty of violating the 14th Amendment before he’s punished? Apparently, not in America.

John E. Dumary Jr.


This court claims Trump violated the 14th Amendment on Jan 6. Ironically, he has been convicted of no crime, yet these unhinged judges boldly deny Colorado voters from being able to vote for Trump. This is an attack on democracy.

If the ruling is left to stand, other anti-Trump states will follow Colorado’s suit. Hopefully the US Supreme Court overrules this decision.

Joseph Valente

Staten Island

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