
The story of Hanukkah’s not about ‘hiding,’ Doug: It’s about winning

Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, commemorates a massive, against-all-odds military victory of the Jewish people against ruthless foes who wanted them and their religion erased.

Sound familiar? 

But to Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff — or whichever witless intern runs his X feed — it’s actually a celebration of “hiding.” 

“In the Hanukkah story, the Jewish people were forced into hiding,” Emhoff’s account posted. “During those eight days in hiding, they recited their prayers and continued their tradition . . . . In these dark times, I think of that story.”

An embarrassing, ahistorical howler for a quasi-official White House-adjacent account to put out.

That fact that Emhoff has (allegedly) been helping Team Biden combat antisemitism adds another layer of sad irony. 

But this blunder is a deeply revealing one. 

In fact, the post shows exactly how vast swathes of Biden’s administration — to say nothing of the wider Democratic Party — would like modern Jews to behave. 

I.e., when confronted with an existential threat, they musn’t bravely battle and defeat it.

No: The proper response for Jews (and Jews alone, in the woke martyrology) is to run, hide, and cower. 

How else to explain Biden’s thuggish threats this week — as Jews around the world celebrate not hiding but fighting and winning — that Israel must change its tactics or risk losing support? 

Or his administration’s bad-faith calls for restraint in Israel’s justified counterattack against Hamas terrorism? 

Or its endless, Obama-style appeasement of Iran?

Whoever runs Emhoff’s account has since deleted the post, but note that this is the second major White House social-media bungle in two weeks.

It follows the embarrassing walkback of a post on President Joe Biden’s own account that essentially called for Israel to abandon its Gaza operation entirely: “To continue down the path of terror, violence, killing, and war is to give Hamas what they seek,” it argued. “We can’t do that.” 

How much of the progressive White House staff shares the hard left’s fury that Biden isn’t already demanding Israel stand down?

The Maccabees — the group of fighters headed by the eponymous Judah who freed Jerusalem from the grasp of the Seleucid Empire — would have known precisely how to treat Hamas. 

News flash for the White House: It ain’t by hiding