Sex & Relationships

My wife got me a cake to celebrate my work milestone — it says ‘nobody cares’

It’s a joke with many layers.

An Oregon woman has gone viral for letting her spouse know that “nobody cares” about his latest accomplishment — her delicious prank was met with laughter from social media users and her husband.

The man, who goes by BobbyIke on Reddit, last week posted a picture of a cake his wife got him, on the Subreddit r/funny with the caption, “My wife got me a cake for what I thought was a big accomplishment.”

The photo shows a multi-layer chocolate cake with white frosting and rainbow sprinkles that reads in teal icing, “Nobody cares!”

BobbyIke shared in the comments that the cake was to celebrate that he “finished building a website.”

Wife Goes Viral for Buying Husband ‘Nobody Cares’ Cake After He Brags of ‘Big Accomplishment’
The photo shows a multi-layer chocolate cake with white frosting and rainbow sprinkles that reads in teal icing, “Nobody cares!” Reddit

He had been working on the project for about three years and saw each milestone as a celebration since he’s not a web developer and doesn’t have a coding background.

“Over the years while I was building it, every time I completed any small thing like a button or something like that, I would show one of my employees,” BobbyIke, who owns a printing company, told Monday. “Eventually, I think they just got tired of hearing about me, showing them these small, tiny tasks that I had accomplished.”

In one of those instances, an employee sarcastically quipped that “nobody cares” — BobbyIke and his wife found it “hilarious” and made the sentiment the “mantra” of the three-year project.

When his wife asked him to pick up a cookies-and-cream cake from the Hungry Hero bakery in Sherwood, Oregon, BobbyIke “laughed out loud immediately” because it was “absolutely perfect.”

Husband's birthday. Wife surprise husband with birthday cake
The husband shared on Reddit that the cake was to celebrate that he “finished building a website.” Getty Images/iStockphoto

Reddit users were left conflicted by the initial post, with some finding the bit hilarious and others thinking it was “harsh.”

“Every relationship needs a good roast to flirt ratio,” one person commented.

“That’s a massive cake. I wish I got a cake like that for everything I did that nobody cares about,” someone cracked.

“Your wife is awesome,” another wrote.

“I like that this is the sign of either an incredibly healthy relationship or an extremely toxic one with not much in between. Congrats on the website!” a user exclaimed.

BobbyIke didn’t agree with the crummy comments.

“A lot of the Reddit comments were, as you might imagine, not great,” he told “We have a relationship where we tease each other when it’s appropriate and are supportive when we realize we need it. That’s our type of humor.”