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Tale of the tape: Alexander Hamilton and Napoleon Bonaparte 

The Post had little love for Napoleon — Ridley’s Scott’s new epic biopic of the one-time Emperor of France.

And it turns out Post publisher Alexander Hamilton and his immediate successors at the paper shared a pretty similar view.

While Napoleon’s armies conquered Europe, The Post denounced him regularly as a tyrant and even as the devil himself.

Though Hamilton didn’t live to see his enemy’s final defeat at Waterloo, The Post cheered his downfall and brought coverage of his humiliation and exile on Saint Helena.

Napoleon’s death in 1821 made the front page.

Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton was no fan of Napoleon Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte came in for savage coverage from the New York Post. Getty Images

Deadliest trait:

Alexander: Bad aim
Napoleon: Big ego

Historical remnants:

Alexander: Face on $10 bill
Napoleon: Penis in a box owned by a private collector

How millennials know him

Alexander: Broadway
Napoleon: Dynamite

Greatest nemesis

Alexander: Aaron Burr
Napoleon: Anyone over 5′ 6″


Napoleon: Waterloo
Alexander: Weehawken