
NYC Comptroller Brad Lander keeps grandstanding on migrants, making crisis worse

City Comptroller Brad Lander just can’t quit trying to milk the migrant crisis for public attention, even as he does bupkis to help.

On his trip last week to Washington, he failed to get a dime of new funding for the city — though he did call for more migrant services, which can only lure more here.

He didn’t even get many headlines, which may be why he just told City Hall it must start sending all emergency migrant contracts to him in advance for approval.

To be clear, that merely reverses his own decision to let the mayor’s team skip that step.

And, sure, those contracts can use more scrutiny; Mayor Adams’ handling of them has been far from perfect, especially when it comes to transparency.

Yet don’t expect Lander’s reviews to add much to the process —  except perhaps delays.

(Indeed, don’t be shocked if he uses this extra step as a way to demand yet more sweeteners for migrants.)

Fact is, Lander doesn’t want to solve the problem; he wants to worsen it.

It seems President Biden’s “come-one, come-all” policies aren’t bringing illegal immigrants here fast enough for him, though they’ve let millions cross the border and wreaked havoc all over the country.

About 146,000 have already landed in the city — many, attracted by Gotham’s unsustainable practice of providing generous services and guaranteeing shelter, no questions asked, for anyone here from anywhere in the world.

This will saddle New Yorkers with an extra $12 billion in costs by the end of fiscal 2025, much of which Adams intends to get by cutting vital services, including police.

Meanwhile, migrants have slept on sidewalks, fueled prostitution — some seniors even got kicked out of their assisted-living facility to make way for them.

Lander has no solutions for any of this.

Nor has he demanded Biden stop the massive inflow at the border that at the heart of the problem.

Then again, he did make headlines with his contract-review shift.

Clearly, that’s what matters to him most.