
Joe Biden wants to hoover in migrants even faster — so he’s closing LEGAL crossings

President Biden’s rush to hoover in migrants as fast as possible grows wackier by the day: His team is now actually closing legal border crossings to redirect agents to waving in illegal entrants.

On Monday, officials closed an international bridge at the Eagle Pass, Texas, border station and another at Lukeville, Ariz., to free up “personnel to assist the US Border Patrol with taking migrants into custody,” per Customs and Border Protection.

And in a sector that covers most of the Arizona-Mexico border, other workers were shifted to address “the unprecedented flow” of migrants, explained sector boss John Modlin: “All available personnel are needed.”

Again, taking these illegal migrants into “custody” mainly means doing some paperwork before releasing them into the interior with orders to show up somewhere else at some later time — with no effective way to ensure they’re ever heard from again.

This strategy fits well with President Biden’s demand that his Ukraine-and-Israel-aid bill include $14 billion for “border operations” to ease this “processing.”

That is, not to block migrants from entering, but to “accommodate” them even faster.

No shock there: Recall how Biden explicitly encouraged migrants to come to America during his campaign?

Once in office, he canceled all his predecessor’s measures to keep them out, and he continues to resist pleas to reinstate them.

For weeks, he’s been nixing Republican demands to change that aid bill to instead tighten border protection and refuse entry to migrants with bogus asylum claims.

Never mind that his obstinance is delaying those urgently needed funds for allies.

Meanwhile, closing legal crossings imposes yet more costs on Americans, such as those legally returning from Mexico, for example, and truckers bringing in goods.

It’s a truly nutty strategy: The more migrants let in, the more who’ll follow — in numbers Americans just can’t afford.

His approach has sparked a humanitarian catastrophe for those making the journey here, budget crises in cities and states, a nightmare of deadly drugs and terrorists making their way in and more.

Biden doesn’t just want illegal migrants coming to America; he wants as many here as possible before he leaves the White House.

That day clearly can’t come soon enough.