Douglas Murray

Douglas Murray


Idiot anti-Israel protesters wreaking havoc in NYC are just fanatics wrapped up in lies

Well, the war on Christmas certainly started early this year. On the streets of New York. And in the ugliest way possible.

By now, everybody will have seen the footage of anti-Israel activists and pro-Palestinian extremists trying to disrupt the Christmas tree-lighting at Rockefeller Center.

Let’s ignore for a moment that one of the crowd was carrying a swastika and that the general mood of the crowd was more of a mob than a demonstration.

What did they think they were doing?

Perhaps these thugs had been emboldened by managing to interrupt the Macy´s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

But what had Macy’s ever done to them? And why attack a Christmas tree-lighting ceremony? Who do these people think they are?

The answer is that they are fanatics, and fanatics who have whipped themselves up into a huge lie.

The idiots trying to stop the Christmas tree-lighting on Wednesday night kept chanting for an “end to genocide.”

But if any of these people had ever left their college dorm rooms, they might have discovered that there is no genocide going on in Gaza.

flag with Israeli handprints
A protester waves an Israeli flag with red handprints outside Rockefeller Center. James Keivom

In fact, in the 18 years since the Israelis left Gaza (forcibly removing every last Jewish resident), the population of Gaza has boomed.

In the last 18 years, the population of Gaza has gone from 1,299,000 to around 2.05 million people.

In other words, the population of Gaza has grown by almost a million people since the Israelis left.

Which is one reason why you hear so much about the youthful population of Gaza.

Perhaps if any of the members the forward operating unit of the anti-Christmas tree brigade were capable of thinking, they could answer an obvious question:

Where is the genocide? Is it not happening? Or are the Israelis trying to commit genocide against the people of Gaza yet are so bad at committing genocide that the population actually grows while they´re trying to kill everyone? I’d love to hear the answer.

Of course, the crowd of Christmas tree disrupters had another chant: “From the river to the sea.”

I doubt that many of them know what river they are hollering about or could identify the sea in question on a map.

But for their information, a Palestinian state from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea would mean the elimination of the world’s only Jewish state.

And not just that.

Both Hamas, which runs Gaza, and the Palestinian Authority, which runs the West Bank (and which celebrated the October 7 massacre), have both said (to borrow Adolf Hitler’s phrase) that they want the whole land to be “judenrein.”

That is, “cleansed of Jews.”

Notice they are not saying, “Two states for two people” or “Two peoples living side by side.”

No such thing. Just clear of Jews. And if the Jewish people have to be “cleansed” from their own state, then what is meant to happen to them? Should they all be killed? Deported? Where should they go? Back to the Arab countries that kicked them out?

Again — an interesting question to which I would love to know the answer.

The fact is that these thugs are issuing genocidal chants.

And doing it on the streets of New York.

How did it come to this?

Well, one thing is that since the mass murder of Jews on October 7, the sewers have burst in country after country.

Mainly in what we think of as the civilized West.

It is American college campuses that have seen the normalization of genocidal racist chants.

It is American Jews who now fear for their safety.

Even lifelong leftists like Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) realize this.

They realize that the “Never again” that guided their politics is happening right now.

And the reasons?

Well, there are several. One was highlighted by the late Dr. Henry Kissinger in an interview he gave recently.

As the usually terse and circumspect Kissinger told a friend: “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different cultural and religious concepts. Because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that.”

Across Europe, the countries that had the most lax immigration policies in recent years are now seeing a serious public backlash.

Last week, the streets of Dublin were burning. Literally.

After a North African migrant went on a stabbing spree against Irish children, the public turned out in fury — setting fire to police cars and other vehicles.

The public had said for a long time that migration was out of control. But the authorities ignored them. Even after another migrant beheaded two gay men and stabbed another in the face because he did not like their way of life.

Yet what has been the reaction of the Irish government?

It has called all the people who protested “far-right” and is looking into introducing emergency laws to stop people from criticizing migration.

Good luck with that.

The Netherlands tried something similar, and in its recent election, the Dutch public gave the biggest share of the vote to Geert Wilders.

A man who in the past has called for the Koran to be banned and for mass deportations from his country.

It is the same everywhere in Europe, where parties that have been called “far-right” for years are now coming to power.

Brave American Muslims like Asra Nomani have tried to warn Americans that the same troubles roiling Europe are happening here.

They have tried to warn that radicals are taking over their religion.

But it is people like Nomani who get demonized and threatened for their brave stance. Not the radicals.

And then there are the idiot fellow travelers. The young generation who actually believe the lies that Hamas and others shove around the world´s media.

When an American patriot showed up at Wednesday´s Christmas ceremony with an American flag, a protester tried to tear the flag from his hands and others shouted, “Allahu Akhbar.”

The attack in October was a tragedy for Israel. But it has also highlighted a looming tragedy in our own countries.

Because it never was just about Israel. It’s about all of us.