
Cynthia’s hunger strike and more: Letters to the Editor — Dec. 1, 2023

The Issue: Actress Cynthia Nixon’s decision to join a hunger strike in support of a Gaza cease-fire.

The latest example of far-left hypocrisy is actress Cynthia Nixon, who participated in a five-day hunger strike in support of Palestine but called it quits after two days. Is that a celebrity discount (“Hunger games,” Nov. 29)?

Some people behind the Black Lives Matter movement viewed the phrase “all lives matter” as racist.
But now, according to Nixon and others, the phrase “never again,” which came about after the Holocaust, really means “never again for everyone.” This trivializes the persecution of Jewish people.
This is a low bar, even for progressive activists.

Anthony Scro


Lefty Nixon is at it again. This time she and her comrades are calling for a permanent cease-fire in Gaza.
These Hollywood dimwits don’t seem to understand the fact that most intelligent people do not place much credence in the words of people who get paid quite handsomely to act on TV, which is nothing more than pretending to be someone else. What a laughable farce.

Frank J. Perry

Morristown, NJ

Whenever I see any of these stars or other attention-seeking idiots go on a hunger strike, I laugh till I cry. You don’t want to eat? Don’t eat!

Do they think society is going to cry out, “Please don’t let them starve?” Do they think that they’ll get the public on their side with their radical views?

Even better are the indoctrinated balloon-heads who glue themselves to streets, coffee-shop counters and museum benches.

Here’s a better way to handle those nuts: Let them stay there.

They’ll get hungry eventually, just like the other idiots. At some point, they’ll need to use the restroom.
Let them soil themselves and put it on the news. Society has to stop tolerating these radical nuts.

Joe Cesare


Nixon joined the five-day Gaza hunger strike, leaving early after two days. She held a sign that read “permanent cease-fire now.”

I find her actions distressing, considering Hamas is still holding dozens of Israelis hostage.

Frederick R. Bedell, Jr.


The Issue: Sally Pipes’ column warning against doctors who advocate for Medicare for All.

As a physician, I am appalled by Sally Pipes’ opinion column (“Beware MDs for Medicare for All,” PostOpinion, Nov. 28).

It is offensive to me that the main issue the column raises is that doctors will make less money with Medicare for All.

The author’s misleading comments notwithstanding, physicians are fairly compensated in those countries with universal health-care systems.

More important — and perhaps a surprise to the author — many physicians are in their profession not only to make money, but also to provide health care.

Our convoluted health-care system places an extensive administrative burden on our caregivers.
Many physicians favor overhauling our healthcare system and at least half favor a full transition to Medicare for All.

Marc H. Lavietes


As a physician of 50 years and a recipient of Medicare, I totally disagree with Pipes.

Health-insurance companies make their profits by giving as little care as possible. These perverse incentives are harmful to patients.

Getting rid of this expensive middleman would improve everyone’s health-care and make it more affordable.

Elizabeth R. Rosenthal


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.