Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams


Sexual assault allegation against ex-Gov Andrew Cuomo is a symptom of today’s culture

He’s fiend or friend?

A WORD about Andrew Cuomo’s latest kerfuffle. A sexual assault lawsuit. A former aide’s allegation that he groped her.

Because he believes I’m not always wonderful about him, our ex-governor has avoided me at times. Thus, my thoughts come from no personal friendship but from an impersonal relationship.

Our world’s changed. Our ways, dress, speech, commitments, politics, schooling, financing, spending, habits, our devotions have changed.

Life has led me into and through the lives of some of this planet’s most famous and most powerful men. World leaders. Believe me, I know the difference between kidding about and making a pass. OH MY GOD do I know.

Minus individual knowledge of said allegation, and only knowing what I read, I can take no sides. My point only is that if this experience happened it might be generational. Social. International. Not personal. Cuomo’s Roman ancestry is warmer than one whose genes began in Reykjavik. An Icelander might extend a hand for a hello, an Italian’s greeting can be a hug, a pinch, a squeeze. Nobody’s saying it’s right. It just is.

Not advocating it. Only saying it’s what they do. Or did. It’s generational. T-shirts to dinner now. Once was suits. High heels then, sneakers now. Today who writes longhand thank you notes for expensive wedding gifts? — nobody. Today, women flash naked boobs over their lamb chops. It’s fie on furs, calling people fat or dumb, referring to skin tone or body mass or height or weight or mentality or spirituality can get you 10 years behind bars.

A hug or squeeze was “so what” back then. Now, not. Now what’s “in” is tattoos, cannabis shops, peeing on the street, nose piercings, threesomes, no to weddings but yes to kids, left wing college professors, electing political thieves. That’s OK. That’s now. But a hug can get you before a judge?!

Years back I was at a political rally. From two tables away came then Gov. Cuomo. Didn’t even speak to me. Just kissed me on the cheek — and split. That was against the law? The only thing I thought was lousy was that he didn’t pick up my check.

Cuomo’s long been high cotton. Important. Attractive. Was married. Lived for years with a nifty blond. But so needy for friendship he’d manhandle an aide? I’m not saying his accuser’s out of order. I’m not denying her. Just saying.

OK, I’m finished.

Tuneup time

THE Rolling Stones 2024 tour is creaking toward MetLife Stadium this May. Come Friday, advance tickets are available through American Express, Capital One or even Metamucil. Or try an empty Geritol bottle. 

Make moves

CHEAPO vacation? Little Mother says Orlando, Vegas, the Dominican, Croatia are not exactly jammed. Grand Canyon also has space. And whatever’s Minneapolis hasn’t seen a visitor since they made statehood. 

Still more ‘Games’ left to play

And there’s another “Hunger Games,” a ­prequel. That’s Hollywoodspeak for we ran out of fresh ideas.

Stars Viola Davis and Peter Dinklage who says: “I play one who’s made a mistake.” Right. Just like its producer.

Full name: “The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes” — whatever that means. Sounds like Bidenspeak. And the title may have trouble on small ­marquees. 

WHATEVER, it’s all in New York, kids, all in New York.