Willie Randolph responds as Carlos Mendoza leaves door open for Mets bench coach job

Carlos Mendoza mentioned Willie Randolph as an important influence on his coaching career and as someone who provided valuable counsel before he accepted the Mets managing position.

Mendoza also did not dismiss the possibility of Randolph being enlisted as a bench coach, saying, “We have a really good relationship and I consider him not only as a mentor but as a friend. There’s a bunch of names that we’re considering right now [for bench coach] and we’ll see where it goes.”

Carlos Mendoza (r.) with David Stearns (l.) during his Mets introduction at Citi Field on Nov. 14, 2023.
Carlos Mendoza (r.) with David Stearns (l.) during his Mets introduction at Citi Field on Nov. 14, 2023. Charles Wenzelberg/NY Post

When asked if Randolph is being specifically considered, Mendoza said, “He is somebody that I respect. I have a lot of respect here. And I consider him a friend.”

For his part, Randolph told The Post by phone, “All I said [to Mendoza] was to do whatever you need to do, get your family to New York, get yourself comfortable and know in the back of your mind if you need me, I’m here for you. I am a Carlos Mendoza fan.”

Willie Randolph managing the Mets in 2008.
Willie Randolph managing the Mets in 2008. Anthony J. Causi

Randolph managed the Mets from 2005 until being dismissed 69 games into the 2008 season.

Mendoza has gotten to know Randolph in recent seasons, in particular, when Randolph serves as a spring coach for the Yankees.