The quirks and meaning of the Giants-Jets rivalry, as seen through the eyes of Leonard Williams, who’s played on both ends

As New York football aficionados go, Leonard Williams, based on where he hails from, does not seem to be the most qualified to speak about a uniquely New York/New Jersey event when the Giants and the Jets go at each other every four years.

Williams grew up in Daytona Beach, Fla., went to college in Los Angeles at USC and gives off a distinct West Coast vibe, right down to wearing sandals or going barefoot because he prefers to let his feet breathe. He is the middle child of five siblings — three brothers and one sister — and once joked they are all about the same size: extremely big.

Williams’ father is half African-American and half Japanese. His mother is half African-American and half Hispanic.

“Everybody always thinks we are Samoan,’’ he said early in his NFL career.