Sex & Relationships

My fiancé wants to wait to have a kid — so he doesn’t miss hunting season

Gone hunting.

A woman claimed in a Reddit post that her fiancé wants to delay having children so his paternity leave can land during hunting season.

“I was so happy to finally give him what he wants, what we both want,” she confessed.

“Are men really that simplistic that he cares more about HUNTING than starting our family right now?” she additionally asked.

The 33-year-old fiancée and her 43-year-old partner were adamant about having children soon.

“Our entire relationship, he’s wanted to get me pregnant bc he doesn’t want to wait any longer, since he knows I’m ‘the one’ and all that,” she added.

The couple — who have been together for three years — barely fight, she explained. “I can count 2 fights in 3 yrs, and we’re very good at communicating our feelings overall.”

Although she wanted to wait until they were married before bringing children into the world, she decided it was time to try having a baby.

“I found an OBGYN, downloaded an ovulation tracking app, stopped taking ALL my meds — some of which I REALLY depended on — all to prepare for this super exciting and long-awaited time!” she wrote.

The couple has talked about having their own child for a while but was waiting for the woman to be ready. –

Unfortunately, when she broke the news to her partner that she was ready to conceive, he didn’t share the excitement she was hoping for.

“We should wait until March to start trying so I can be on paternity leave during hunting season,” she claimed he responded.

‘Are men really that simplistic that he cares more about HUNTING than starting our family right now?’

Appalled by his reaction, she repeated her announcement and asked if he was joking.

“Not joking at all,” he said, kissing her goodnight before heading to bed.

“As soon as he left, I couldn’t hold my tears back,” she said. “He’s been SO excited and verbal about how eager he was to knock me up! He really struggled w/ waiting til I was ready. But now that I am finally ready, suddenly his excitement has dissipated??” she questioned.

Unable to overcome the conversation, she remained upset and unsettled, admitting she felt rejected.

“I need some outside perspective, bc I feeling extremely hurt and confused by what my fiancé said,” she wrote.

“I can’t help but think there’s another reason why he said that.”

baby feet
She terribly disappointed by her partner’s response and felt rejected. Getty Images

People flooded the Reddit post with their perspectives on why her fiancé is prioritizing hunting season, and many sided with her.

“He’s an idiot. I get that hunting season is a big deal,” commented one person. “But the idea that he wants to align paternity leave with hunting season is so a–hole.”

“Go back on your medication and birth control until it’s settled. No question,” added another.

“He is seeing parental leave as a type of vacation,” one spectator wrote. “If anything, he should want to give birth months before hunting season to be able to be home to help you.”