
Notoriously soft-on-crime judge releases migrant who allegedly stabbed a man in Times Square without bail

A notoriously lenient Manhattan judge has sprung at least three violent criminals in the past two years — and last week released a Venezuelan migrant without bail after he allegedly stabbed a man in Times Square, The Post has learned. 

Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Valentina Morales released Walter Almachi Leal, who arrived in the country just two months ago, after he slashed 43-year-old man with a busted beer bottle at 2:15 a.m. Oct. 2 during a dispute on West 39th Street, police said. The alleged victim required 20 stitches in his arm.

Prosecutors requested more than $5,000 cash bail or $7,500 bond for Leal, who’s staying at a shelter, but soft-on-crime Morales granted him supervised release, records show.

Her action enraged a Manhattan cop, who said the jurist is a clear and present danger — to New Yorkers and tourists.

“So now you’re letting this unknown person back out into the streets to go and cut some person again down in Times Square,” the police officer, who asked to remain anonymous out of fear of reprisal, said. “The next person could be a tourist. It could be anyone.”

It’s not the first time Morales — a one-time public defender — has sparked controversy.

Last year, the judge appointed by former Mayor Bill de Blasio was working as a Bronx jurist when she released ex-con Frankie Centeno with electronic monitoring. Centeno had a history of violating parole.

Walter Almachi Leal, a Venezuelan migrant, stabbed another man in the arm with a broken beer bottle Monday and was freed on supervised release. NYPD

Centeno had four gun-possession convictions dating to 2003 when he was arrested inside a restaurant and accused of having a loaded .45-caliber pistol in his waistband on March 27, 2022.

At arraignment, the Bronx DA asked for $100,000 cash bail or $300,000 bond — but Morales set Centeno free on the condition that he report to the city Sheriff’s Office to be fitted with an ankle monitor.

Centeno instead fled to Puerto Rico, where he was on the lam until he was arrested there four months later in July 2022.

When he was arrested, Frankie Centeno had four gun-possession convictions.

In November 2021, Morales refused a prosecutor’s request to set bail for a mentally ill homeless man who was busted three times in just 36 hours during an alleged theft and robbery spree.

Augustin Garcia, 63, began by stealing a dozen cans of Coors Light beer from a Bronx bodega, and was slapped with a desk appearance ticket, requiring a future court date, cops said.

The next day, he was arrested and accused of pulling a knife on a straphanger and stealing her backpack at Canal Street in Manhattan. He had no prior arrests and was released by a judge despite bail demands.

The next morning, he allegedly stole an iPhone from a subway rider in East Harlem. He was charged with grand larceny and trespassing, cops said.

Judge Morales set Centeno free on the condition that he report to the city Sheriff’s Office to be fitted with an ankle monitor, but he fled to Puerto Rico

This time, prosecutors asked for $20,000 cash bail or $60,000 bail bond. Morales let him go with a 72-hour psych evaluation.

She also released alleged teen gang-banger Kalifa Quattara on electronic monitoring this year after he was busted with a loaded gun on April 19 and admitted that he used the same gun in a shootout with rival gang members. 

Quattara, 18, an alleged member of the “Up the Hill” street gang, didn’t strike anyone with the bullets he fired.

Agustin Garcia, 63, was busted three times in less than 36 hours in 2021. No Credit

He was brought before Morales on April 21 on attempted murder, reckless endangerment, and gun charges, with prosecutors asking that the teen be held without bail at Rikers Island.

Prosecutors noted that Quattara was already on supervised release for a prior gun charge in Brooklyn, according to court records.

Morales admitted Quattara posed “a risk of flight to avoid prosecution” but released him on electronic monitoring anyway.

The police source called ankle monitors ineffective. “He has to go to the sheriff’s office on his own to get ankle monitor so there’s no follow up to see if he really got it or not,” the longtime cop said.

Morales once ran The Women’s Project at the non-profit Fedcap Group, which pushed for alternatives to incarceration under de Blasio.

Office of Court Administration spokesman Lucian Chalfen said said Morales handled Leal’s case properly, considering it was his first arrest and that he surrendered his passport.

“Based on that, Judge Morales ordered supervised release and the defendant did, in fact, subsequently report as directed,” Chalfen said.

He said the other cases were “decided on their own merits.”

But the police source said Morales’ reputation precedes her.

“She’s notorious for being lenient,” the police source said. “I don’t even know how she’s still continuing to be a judge when she lets everyone go no matter what the crime is.”