
NY terror sleuths work 24/7 to find threats in ‘sewers of the Internet’

A team of online sleuths has been trudging through the “sewers of the internet” around the clock in an effort to identify any terror threats in the Big Apple and elsewhere.

“We have our own team of intelligence analysts and they’re working 24/7 to mine the Internet,” said Mitchell Silber, executive director of the Community Security Initiative, a partnership between the UJA-Federation of New York and the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York.

“They’re. . . knee deep in hate and extremism trying to find out who’s [just] talking and who actually would do something,” said Silber, the former director of intelligence analysis at the NYPD. “When we find them, we flag it and give it to law enforcement.”

The group has three intelligence analysts who determine if the hateful trheats they find are credible enough to forward to the NYPD or FBI.

One analyst, who asked to remain anonymous to protect her safety, called the surge in hate online since the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks “disgusting.”

“You have people in the deeper corners of the Internet that I’m looking at who are celebrating,” the analyst told The Post. “They’re . . .saying, ‘You know it’s a great morning when I wake up and turn on the TV and see dead k—s,’ or ‘How exciting, Jews and Muslims are going to die.’”

The NYPD has presence at the Tribeca Synagogue on White St in Manhattan. William Miller
The group has three intelligence analysts who determine if the hateful trheats they find are credible enough to forward to the NYPD or FBI. AP

She said her team typically forwards one threat a week to the NYPD and FBI.

But in the last week, “I think my team has elevated so far, maybe five or six.”

The analyst, who speaks Arabic, said some posts were “threatening to kill people, threatening to target synagogues,” and included “images of landmarks” and the words “Allahu Akbar,” or Arabic for “God is Great.”

One hateful screed her group has found since the attacks was on 4chan and talked about killing Jewish people.

The analysts are looking for any specific threats among hateful screeds like this one. 4chan
The team tries to determine where the threats are coming from and how real they are. 4chan

“Dead Jew babies. Woooooot,” the posting read.

As of Friday afternoon, the team hadn’t found any concrete threats posted online, Silber said.