US News

‘Pro-Life Spider-Man’ busted after climbing 500-foot building housing Israeli Consulate

An activist who calls himself “Pro-Life Spider-Man” was arrested this week after a death-defying climb up the Accenture Tower in Chicago, which houses the Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest.

Stunned onlookers first noticed the climber, whose real name is Maison Des Champs, around 10 a.m. local time Tuesday.

He scaled the nearly 600-foot building without a rope or any safety equipment and was swiftly arrested after reaching the top, police said.

An activist climber calling himself “Pro-Life Spider-Man” scaled the nearly 600-foot Accenture Tower in Chicago, which houses the Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest. ABC
The climber, whose real name is Maison Des Champs, has performed more than half a dozen similar stunts in cities around the US to raise awareness for various causes. ABC

The Chicago fire and police departments were dispatched to the scene, and streets in the area were blocked off for approximately one hour, according to ABC 7 Chicago.

Escalators and elevators were switched off as authorities, including SWAT team members, made their way inside the building, the Chicago Sun-Times reports.

Read more about 'Pro-Life Spider-Man' Maison Des Champs' stunts

Des Champs makes his way up the Accenture Tower in Chicago. ABC

Tuesday’s stunt wasn’t Des Champs’ first time imitating the famed Marvel web-slinger. The anti-abortion activist has made more than half a dozen similar climbs around the country to raise awareness and money for the pro-life movement and other causes, usually livestreaming his antics to his Instagram page.

In 2021, Des Champs was arrested after climbing the Aria hotel in Las Vegas, reportedly to protest COVID-19 restrictions. In May 2022, Des Champs was arrested in San Francisco after he scrambled up the 1,070-foot Salesforce Tower, the second-tallest building in California.

Just two days later, he was back at it, scaling the 721-foot New York Times building on Eighth Avenue near West 40th Street to hang a pair of anti-abortion banners.

One of his most high-profile stunts came ahead of this year’s Super Bowl in Phoenix, when he was apprehended after climbing the vacant 40-story high-rise formerly known as the Chase Tower.