
Transportation commish’s family sues elite Fieldston School for racism

The two kids of city Transportation Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez and his top-ranking DOE educrat wife, Cristina Melendez, were racially discriminated against at the private Ethical Culture Fieldston School in the Bronx, according to a shocking lawsuit.

Fieldston and its teachers discriminated against the couple’s eldest daughter, now 16, and retaliated against the family by expelling their younger daughter, 10, after her sister and Melendez raised concerns to the school’s leadership about racial bias and hostilities plaguing the tony Riverdale institution, the Manhattan federal lawsuit said.

Fieldston “purposefully and intentionally discriminated against persons of color . . . and purposefully and intentionally retaliated against persons of color . . . who complained about racism at the school,” reads the suit, first filed in June by Melendez, executive director of the Department of Education’s office of family and community engagement (FACE), and her daughters.

The wife and children of city DOT Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez are suing the woke Ethical Culture Fieldston School in the Bronx for racial discrimination. for New York Post
The lawsuit claims a Fieldston teacher discriminated against Rodriguez’s eldest daughter and the school retaliated after the family raised concerns by expelling his younger daughter. Twitter @ydanis

The girls also endured a “racially charged school atmosphere” due to white students repeatedly engaging in racist behavior without punishment, according to the suit.

This included white students leaving watermelons in a black administrator’s office as a senior prank in 2016, and recording themselves on video singing a song while repeatedly using the N-word, which spread across the school community in 2018.

During the 2021-22 school year, ninth-grade math teacher Stephanie Weber forced the commish’s eldest daughter and other students of color to take their tests in class but let white students take home their exams, court papers claim.

The educator also allegedly ridiculed the teen in front of her peers while keeping mum about white students when they behaved similarly.

The day after Melendez complained to the school about Weber’s discriminatory behavior toward her daughter, the educator falsely accused Rodriguez’s older daughter of cheating on an in-class exercise, according to the suit.

Math teacher Stephanie Weber was accused of letting white students take their exams at home while students of color had to take their tests in class.

The teacher allegedly went on to mock the student in front of her classmates after she and her mother denied the charge, leading the teen, who first enrolled in the school in kindergarten in 2012, to withdraw from Fieldston shortly before the end of the semester, the suit claimed. 

When Melendez complained, Head of School Joe Algrant inexplicably expelled her younger daughter in September 2022, just before the start of the fourth grade, according to court papers.

Fieldston punished the younger sister, who first enrolled in the school in pre-kindergarten in 2017, to send “a clear message to other students and families of color at the school that criticism of the school’s racially hostile environment would have dire consequences,” the suit claimed. 

The couple’s daughters attended the now-$63,020-a-year school on scholarships intended for lower-income minority students, according to the suit, despite Rodriguez earning over $191,000 in the fiscal year 2022 for his jobs as a city councilman and later DOT commish, while Melendez earned at least $81,526, per SeeThroughNY. She currently makes $195,000 a year.

The suit is one of at least four discrimination suits that have been brought in the past three years against the ultra-woke school, which previously sought a ballet instructor who was “committed to challenging Western dance forms” and a biology teacher who possesses “an understanding of and commitment to cultural competency.”

Rodriguez’s daughters and their mother are suing the school, its current and former administrators, and teachers for unspecified damages.

Earlier this year, a pair of black alums filed separate suits against Fieldston over claims they endured racial harassment by teachers and peers while attending the school.

In 2021, a Fieldston alum claimed that the school did not provide her black children the same academic opportunities as their white classmates, in addition to not sufficiently punishing white students who engaged in racist behavior.

Rodriguez’s daughters endured a “racially charged school atmosphere” at Fieldston because white students allegedly engaged in racist behavior repeatedly without punishment. Robert Miller

A Fieldston spokesperson said many of the allegations included in the suit date back to 2016 and have since been addressed by the school.

“We treat all allegations of this kind extremely seriously and ECFS prioritizes our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion by striving to create a welcoming environment where all students can excel,” the spokesperson said, adding that the school recently expanded its “Community and Social Impact” department.

Rodriguez, Melendez, Weber, and Fieldston’s lawyers did not respond to requests for comment.