
Serial sperm donor NYC Council candidate, friend accost Hochul over migrant crisis at NYC event: ‘Close the border!’

The serial sperm donor running for City Council and a fellow protester accosted Gov. Kathy Hochul over the Big Apple’s migrant crisis as she spoke at a Manhattan event Tuesday.

Jonathan Rinaldi, a candidate for a Queens council district, and his pal David Rem filmed themselves interrupting a forum at a Jewish center before the two men were escorted out.

Rem shouted at Hochul to demand fellow Democrat President Biden close the border while Rinaldi filmed the antics and then later screamed about the vaccination status of migrants coming into the country as he left the venue.

“You must demand Joseph Biden close the border,” Rem shouted as he held a sign up. “Close the border … New York City has been destroyed.”

Queens resident David Rem disrupted the forum Tuesday night.

“Do the right thing,” the Queens resident shouted as the audience at the Center for Jewish History became visibly irritated. “Close the freakin’ border.”

Rinaldi also brought up issues of antisemitism at CUNY and complained how some workers were required to get the COVID vaccine shot while migrants do not need to show proof of vaccination.

“Biden is intentionally keeping the border open,” Rinaldi told The Post Wednesday, arguing the president is allowing the flood of people to usher in socialism.

Gov. Hochul was told to tell President Biden to close the border. Forbes Breaking News

Rem told The Post Wednesday he and Rinaldi are “disgusted” by the lack of federal action on immigration and planned to keep protesting Democratic politicians until Biden shuts the border down.

The two men, along with several others, protested Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other US representatives during a press conference in front of the Roosevelt Hotel last Friday over the influx of migrants.

Gotham has struggled to manage the more than 100,000 migrants that have arrived since last year. Mayor Eric Adams has pleaded for federal support and warned the city could face a devastating budget crunch.

Protests have broken out as a result of the city housing migrants at different facilities across the five boroughs.

Migrants have steadily been arriving in NYC for over a year.

Rem said his two adult step-children have waited seven years and paid thousands of dollars to enter the US from Colombia. Friends have told them to immigrate illegally through the southern border, Rem claimed.

“But they know, we’re in this family, we’re for legal immigration, not illegal immigration,” he said. “We should all be for legal immigration! That’s something that Hochul and Adams and Biden just don’t get.”

After the pair were told to leave, Hochul spoke about her plan to combat antisemitism in her remarks.